L A N N DDD M M IIIII N N EEEEE 22222 L A A NN N D D MM MM I NN N E 2 2 L AAAAA N N N D D M M M I N N N EEE 2 2 L A A N NN D D M M M I N NN E 2 2 LLLLL A A N N DDD M M IIIII N N EEEEE 22222 -AND- L A N N DDD M M IIIII N N EEEEE 3333333 L A A NN N D D MM MM I NN N E 3 3 3 L AAAAA N N N D D M M M I N N N EEE 3 3 3 L A A N NN D D M M M I N NN E 3 3 3 LLLLL A A N N DDD M M IIIII N N EEEEE 3333333 This .zip contains 4 FILES: Land2.wad Replaces E2M1 Land3.wad Replaces E2M2 Land.bat Just type it and you're all set. Land231.txt You're readin it. ahHA... A SEQUEL! These are much more interesting than their eldest brother.. landmine. I spent much more time doing these. **note** This is an update to fix certain problems with rising stairs... Also I added new lighting and traps on E2M2... The general idea is that keys are useless. You have to find a switch that opens a door so that you can proceed. Sometimes you have to find a switch that opens a door to another switch which opens another... You get the drift. Also keep in mind that I don't believe in back tracking unless it will be interesting. In other words, watch for monsters on the way back. Deathmatch is not in these. Due to the nature of the level, players would be locked in areas until other players got there. Cooperative is in there, you all start in the same room. And I only added a few more monsters to it for co-op. If you have Edmap you can add more. Just don't change anything but things please. Also difficulty levels are on Both. These levels replace E2M1 and E2M2. I use Edmap 1.24. Please don't use these to build new levels, they are big enough as it is. All responses, questions, bugs, mail me: Anthony Rocchio VICTIM@NECA.COM tHANX fOR pLAYING...eNJOY!