================================================================ Title : Justice Quest *Early* Beta Release Filename(s) : JQUEST.WAD, JQUEST.DEH, JQMAPS.WAD, etc. Author : Dalias Email Address : 71614,3257 Description : Justice Quest is not a map. Nor is it a graphics patch. It is not a weapons add- on, and it is not a new sounds WAD. No, Justice Quest is all of these in one. It is an amazing combination of excellently constructed maps, highly detailed sprites, tons of new textures, and amazing new effects. Some levels even require the death of a boss monster to end. If you're ready for a totally new DOOM experience, then you're ready to play Justice Quest! The Story: : You have been sent to find out what's going on at the UAC's research base. You have been told that the UAC has learned of the existence of an extremely powerful ancient weapon, the Purifier Device. An old legend tells that at least two of these were built, and it seems that the UAC has confirmed this story. Your job is to enter their research base and learn all you can. When you arrive, however, you find that someone else has beaten you to it. The UAC base has been taken over by an ancient clan of ninja warriors from the Shadow Realm. Now, the safety of Earth's population may be at risk, and it's up to you to save the world. Are you prepared? Additional Credits to : id Software, for a great game engine. Greg Lewis, for DeHackEd 3.0a Dalias (that's me!), for WAD Studio. Olivier Montanuy, for DeuTex. The Revenant, for new monster ideas. Colin Reed, for THE ONLY node builder. Playtesters : Niklata Paul Andrew Cannon (PACMAN) ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : Currently MAP01-MAP07, will be MAP01-MAP15, MAP31 (MAP08 is finished, but will not be released yet.) Single Player : Yes! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes! Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Yes! MAP01 is great! (Deathmatch is not implemented in all maps yet.) Difficulty Settings : Yes! New Sounds : Yes - well, sort of... New Music : Not yet... New Graphics : Yes! New textures, flats, and sprites! ALL run totally from a PWAD! Demos Replaced : Not yet... * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : I don't want to think about it... Editor(s) used : WAD Studio 1.0-1.4 DeuTex 3.5 DeHackEd 3.0a BSP 1.2x Known Bugs : NONE! Why the heck would there be any bugs if I knew about them??? * Legal Info * You MAY distribute this add-on freely, except for in commercial CD packages, as long as this text file and all other files are included. If you would like to include this file in a CD package, please contact me first. I am not against this form of distribution, but I'd like to know about any copies of Justice Quest on CDs. Also, I'd like to get a free copy of the CD. :) *** NOTE: Justice Quest is not finished. Wait for the full version before asking me about CD versions! Also, I'd prefer that Justice Quest not be distributed outside of CompuServe yet. Remember, this is still a beta version. *** Authors *MAY NOT* use any part of Justice Quest in constructing new WADs. If you would like to use something from Justice Quest in a WAD, I *might* let you if you write to me and tell me how much you like Justice Quest and maybe even send a couple of demos... :) Modification or reverse-engineering of Justice Quest is NOT permitted. If you have suggestions or find problems, report them to ME and I'll consider any new ideas and fix any bugs! This way, there's only ONE version, and it has it all. * Where to get this WAD * CIS:ACTION - CompuServe Action Games Forum * How to use Justice Quest * NOTE: You must have DeHackEd 3.0a to load Justice Quest Put the DEH file in \DOOM2\PATCHES and put all the other files in \DOOM2. Then, run MAKEJQ from your DOOM2 directory, and JQUEST.EXE will be created. After that, typing JQUEST -WADS will load Justice Quest. Enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, write to 71614,3257@compuserve.com. Dalias CIS:71614,3257