Doom2 deathmatch recording ver 1.9 Green = Stoneman Indigo = Evil Genius Recorded with STONEMAN.WAD A demo recorded to give you a brief idea of what playing this wad deathmatch with monsters is like . We had a blast making it . JOINT.LMP was recorded with -nomonsters -skill 2 . This includes the icon thrower and I really suggest you try it in at least one deathmatch . I spent a lot of time to make it feel just right and It payed off . I usually hate deathmatch with monsters but I tried to place the platforms in such a way as to add to the necessity to keep moving . It is not overwhelming since it is on -skill 2 and there are 2 other platforms that are in a remote room that you will never see . This all adds up to just the right amount of monsters in just the right places to make deathmatch even better than it would be without them . B.T.W. there was a crusher used in the remote room to keep long matches from lagging due to the amount of monster buildup in it .