================================================================ Title : Gallows Filename : gallows.wad Author : John Wakelin (AKA Single Malt) Email Address : johnw@datametrics.com Misc. Author Info : I write the WADs Maker of LURKER, DBLCROSS SIC_EM and MAP 02 TNT-EVILution Description : This is a modification of dwango5 map 01 which was originally ss-map1 which was originally map 01 of doom2. In other words, this has been stepped on a lot. This is intended as a possible level for The Netherworlds BBS's Midnight Madness DM tourney around Halloween 95. What I have done is to try to give the level a Halloween feel. I replaced some of the sounds and graphics so this is a lot bigger then it could have been but, now that 14.4's are becoming more common, it shouldn't be too bad. :) Don't play this with the -nomonsters option set. I replaced some monster sounds and stuck a few imps in the walls to get some randomish ambiant noise. Additional Credits to : ID Software - Thanks again guys!!! Whomever made the original SS-MAP1 - Very nice job If you know who or are who...get in touch with me. The authors of predator.wad laugh.wad evil123.wad and cringe3.wad - for the sounds. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP 01 Single Player : Sure - Really tough ;) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Don't believe so... New Sounds : Yes - Stole a few from predator.wad and various others New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes - After hours of searching the web I finally found the theme from Halloween the movie. (very cool) Demos Replaced : None - If you record some good ones send em to me. * Construction * Base : SS-MAP1 by an unknown to me author which is a modification of DOOM2 MAP 01. You might recognize it as MAP 01 of DWANGO5.WAD Editor(s) used : WINDEU 5.24, WARM 1.4, WINTEX 4.0 (some Windows sound tools as well) Known Bugs : Yes - For some reason I don't get any frags when playing in single player. * Copyright / Permissions * Share and enjoy! You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You may use this WAD as a base to build other levels...please drop me a line and let me know though so I can see what you've done. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: Probably will end up on ftp.cdrom.com & ftp.idsoftware.com after the tourney BBS numbers: The Netherworlds BBS (Northern VA) 703-471-6265 Multi-player DOOM on the best board in town... (A great place to hang out and get killed) Other: E-mail me and I'll send it to ya.