"Using GO32 for DETH and What to Do If It Doesn't Work" by Dr Sleep To use the GO32 environment with DETH you'll probably need to add the following statements (at least) to your autoexec.bat file: SET GO32TMP=C:\TEMP SET GO32=DRIVER C:\DOOM2\DETH\DRIVERS\CIRRUS54.GRN Also, if you're using a memory manager such as QEMM, you'll need to disable DPMI for GO32, so use: SET GO32=NODPMI DRIVER C:\DOOM2\DETH\DRIVERS\CIRRUS54.GRN ^^^^^^ And finally, if you don't have a math coprocessor, you'll need to get an emulator such as EMU387, put it in a DETH\EMU directory, and tell GO32 where to find it, like: SET GO32=NODPMI EMU D:\DOOM2\DETH\EMU\EMU387 DRIVER cont... D:\DOOM2\DETH\DRIVERS\CIRRUS54.GRN DETH is a DOS extended program (GCC) which takes advantage of expanded memory. If you can use DEU 5.21GCC, you can use DETH. A batch file is included with DETH called edit.bat, which you may want to edit as per the above (or to your own tastes) and run before using DETH. If you have any other problems, contact the author of DETH, Antony Burden at 100141.277@compuserve.com. ======================================================================= This file provided by Dr Sleep, who is not affiliated with the author of DETH 2.6, but did beta test the thing, so I think I know what I'm talking about. E-mail: 76132.3415@compuserve.com EOF