================================================================ Title : Corridors of Hell (Version 3.0) Deathmatch Deluxe Filename : cor_hel3.wad Author : Jens Nielsen Email Address : djinni@ibm.net Description : Designed for Doom II. Fighting monsters in small corridors. A real challenge. Additional Credits to : Henrik R. for betatesting Hans-Peter Petersen for uploading to DANBBS Bernd W. (UZS691@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de for the crash report (A fan too) and to other fans: Thanks for your reply. It made me make this wad better and finish this fragger. I tried to keep all bad elements away! Thanks to Denis (TiC) for the review and for telling me that doors opening into the sky looks bad! Additional Notes : Send all comments to me at the above address. If you have any ideas you want included in this wad or just need to chat, Email me! Sorry about the first bug release. VERY IMPORTANT : Please delete older versions. They include: COR_HELL.ZIP & COR_HEL2.ZIP ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 1 Single Player : Yes (Intended for single players) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (Added some extras for YOU!, Check it out and let me know! Coop playing is kinda hard for 2nd player) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Sure thing, Play with nomonsters. Run around hit all switches to make the level open. Keep away from the big arena. All doors should stay open, except the one with the plasma behind ;-) This release includes an addictional teleporter to makes things hectic. Difficulty Settings : Yes (Be a MAN and meet the big hairy monsters at ULTRAVIOLENT! The level was designed for this skill. And adds a few more CYBERDEMONS!!!!) Support for all skill settings. Newbies can play at skill 1, but I wouldn't recommend it ;-) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : 2 weeks first time, and later 1 more week. Editor(s) used : Deep 7.30r (Funky editor) & RMB for nodebuilding Known Bugs : All bugs reported in the last version have been fixed. All wishes come true ;-) Please send your demos to me. I would be grateful for that. Both your DM, COOP and single (ultraviolent offcause). * Authors Notes * * HINTS * If you see a Torch, which needs a lightbulp replacing, maybe you found a secret! Burning barrels may be a warning. Not all columns are empty. Whenever it's possible, let the monsters fight it out. Don't enter the blue door, if you don't have a Rocketlauncher or a plasma. Supersecrets can't be seen on map, even if you found the computermap. * DIFFICULTY * Beginners will not meet any monsters harder than Cacodemons, Hellknights and Mancubus. Hurt-me-plenty lovers meets all monsters, though not so many Cyberdemons and Archviles. Ultraviolent will meet the monsters as they come. Though some Mancubus and Hellknights have been replaced with Barons and Cyberdemons. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If you collect levels for big wads, you may use this level. Any modifications of this wad may not be uploaded as Corridors of Hell, so rename it and give me credits for it. EMail me and give me information about the new wads location. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and all mirrors.