!!!!!RUN AVATAR2.BAT!!!!! ================================================================ Title : Avatar Collection #2 Author : Mackey McCandlish Email Address : avatar@widomaker.com Misc. Author Info : Author of the One Must Fall strategy guide. Creator of DOOM MUST FALL (DOOM total conversion patch), Diversions playtester. Look for me in #DOOM in IRC as _Avatar_. Description : 5 great Deathmatch specific levels, each well tested and including not only great technique but great amounts of texture alignment, too (and with the coming of Avatar2, new floors and walls). Be aware, however, that the Avatar2 levels are more complex then the Avatar1s and are not as immidiately appealing (a couple are downright wacky). Additional Credits to : The DEU team, DETH authors, and Brian Hess for helping me test it. Additional credits go to the #doom IRC gang and the guys on a local game server I call (Multiplayer BBS): For Cavern: NoSkill, _Aryj, Ratbert, Genesisk (GKpak), Stragenl (Danzig#), _BADCRC_, Bar0n, and Slug. For Visplane: Rick, sysop of ME BBS, for mentioning an idea for a wad to me. I started working on it and then went off in a totally different direction. For Hilltop: Jonathan Pribble.. for being there when we were playing another one of my pwads and I got the idea of just trying to defend one area while the other guy tries to break in. For FotoReal: DBZ, Guyver, and Foolkiller of ME BBS. For FestHaus: The Danzig gang for getting me hooked on cool small detailed wads like Danzig19. !!!!!RUN AVATAR2.BAT!!!!! ================================================================ * Play Information * AVATAR2.WAD Episode and Level # : MAP08 - MAP12 so you can start on level 1 and play to map12 with the Avatar1 series (10 new dmatch levels plus 2 classics on map01 and 7). Single Player : Yes, good for practicing, I suppose. These are Deathmatch levels though! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but only if its 2 on 2 deathmatch style cooperative. The starts are there. New Sounds : Hehehe.. you'll hear that scream in your DREAMS! New Graphics : A sky texture here, level name graphic there, new walls and floors, etc. And maybe a couple indications of exactly who the author is. If you're not getting a stark black sky on map12, you may have to just -warp 12 there (helps that level considerably). Demos Replaced : Not yet. * Comments * Quick rundown on the levels: Cavern: A very detailed atmosphere based hunting wad for DOOM2. Takes some exploring to get used to, but the depth is there. The main slant of hunting wads is recognizing WHERE a sound is occuring and getting there as quick as possible, not to mention ambushing. Cavern is no exception. Visplane: A surreal deathmatch level that takes DOOM's linedef and visplane engine to the limit. One more light change and this WAD would crash! (Wondering why it was named VISPLANE? Cause that little feature is what put me through hell balancing them in the end). Hilltop: My first 4 player deathmatch level. The object in this one isn't just to kill the other guys, but to try to KEEP the center room. Ideally the way it would work is that in a 4 player game, the 3 players that AREN'T inhabiting the fortress would all try to storm it simultaneously, working together if neccesary. Once the guy in the middle dies though, it's every man for himself as everyone rushes for the room. What do you get for being in there? The FIRST Megasphere ever to be put in one of my levels! Heck, with rocket coming from every direction you'll need more than Megaspheres to keep you alive in that room. Because of the health, ammo, and nature of this level I suggest playing in Altdeath (for once). FotoReal: This one, like HillTop, is basically a four player dmatch level (classified as such due to its dmatch elements and size). I'd wanted to do a teleporter network sorta level for a long time but kept putting it off because I never had that special trigger to start it. Well, I finally got that trigger of sorts, threw together a whole series of walls based on the sky from HillTop, and even added a voc of myself yelling for 14.5 seconds for the death sound. All in all it's a pretty hectic wad, and actually fun too. FestHaus: This one is basically two player but could no doubt serve as an _intelligent_ 4 player frag fest. The inspiration for this one comes from the beautiful Danzig19 and our own Map01. As for the level itself, well, your usual rockin dmatch sorta stuff. Enjoy! Standard features of each level: Nomonsters on skill 3 Regular monsters on skills 1 and 2 Cyberdemon (and sometimes an Archvile, too) on skill 5 An out-of-the-way exit, marked simply with an exit wall texture.. Oodles of texture alignment and some new textures Prepackaged coolness, of course. * Construction * Base : Varied.. more time than Avatar1.. usually around 1-2 days. Build Time : About a month. Editor(s) used : DETH and wad1to2. Known Bugs : Maybe a river bug here and there.. !!!!!RUN AVATAR2.BAT!!!!! * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If the file is to be added to a CD collection or any collection of sorts, please e-mail me before hand at avatar@widomaker.com