Title: ADAMS1ST.WAD Filename: ADAMS1ST.ZIP (Contains ONE-TRY.WAD, .TXT) Author: Adam C. Prellwitz Email: 73051,1502 (My Dad's CompuServe #) DESCRIPTION: The Doom level is basically ideas I thought up while my dad was playing Doom and while playing myself. You must think my dad's like 70, but I'm 11, don't think my level is any good because I'm a kid my dad said it was very good he's beat Doom 1 on ultra violence. Adam. ********************************************************** PLAY INFORMATION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Level: E1M1 Single Player: YES Co-op: YES Deathmatch: NO Difficulty Set: YES NEW Sounds: NO Graphics: NO Music: NO Demos Replaced: NO ********************************************************** CONSTRUCTION ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Base: New level from scratch Tools: DCK - DOOM Construction Kit Known Bugs: None Time to Build: about 15 hours PERMISSION: Permission is granted to use/alter this level for your own needs. You may NOT, however, sell, rent, or otherwise use this property for financial gain without my knowledge and permission. (Dad wrote this.)