CONTENTS 1. Stuff you need to know. 2. Crap you might want to know. 3. Shit you probably don't want to know. STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW This level is for DOOM 2 Level 07. I chose level 7 because it has my favorite music in the game. This is NOT a sloppy level, no fuckups, it was nodes built perfectly, all textures are aligned (at least the really noticable ones, I didn't really feel like driving my self insane!). This is also an extremely complex and compact level and is very large. I spent a long time on this level and would like to see it circulated to other BBS's (just make sure you include the three files in Matrix.Zip if you do), and just for the record, I REALLY hate making DOOM levels. It takes too fucking long |(. Note: For some reason the percentage at the end of the level only goes up to 75% on the secrets, go figure. So if you get 75% you'll know that you got all the secrets. Everything else is normal. FILE INFO: Name: Matrix.Zip Contained files (3) : Matrix.Wad, Matrix.Txt, File_id.Diz. CRAP YOU MIGHT WANT TO KNOW LEVEL INFO: Name: The Matrix Size: 290 Kb (289,819 b) Time: Approx. 3 months (4/1/95 to 6/27/95) Things: 544 Vertices: 1,922 LineDefs: 2,350 SideDefs: 3,228 Sectors: 434 Segs: 3,793 SSectors: 1,492 Nodes: 1,491 Reject: 23,545 BlockMap: 16,442 Editor: DeeP v. 6.13 Nodes Builder: BSP (comes with DeeP) Computer: 386 DX40, 540mb hard drive, 4mb of ram, (no MathCo). SHIT YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW This is my FIRST level, some of you out there ought to be ashamed of yourselves (you know who you are!!). I tried to combine my favorite levels into this one and still throw in some original ideas too. If you're an avid DOOM player you might recognize some areas. I live in Vermon (Hermon), Maine. I'm 17 years old and I make levels for a hobby, I do have a life (although sometimes it doesn't feel like it). I HATE, no make that DESPISE (C)rap, and listen to nothing but the best HEAVY METAL (METALLICA, OZZY, MEGADETH, etc.) My name is (yeah right), my alias is Kamakazi or The Denominator, and I plan on making about three more levels, just so you'll have something pleasant to the eye to play and not a big pile of shit someone slapped together ;). Well I guess that's it for now sizzle chest. Rock On, Metallica Rulz, Seinfeld is awsome, MTV sucks, look for Cringe in the future, and most importantly take it easy. See ya later fruit cake :). P.S. I would like to thank Id Software for making DOOM, it kicks fucking ass, and I would encourage anyone to go out and buy it :-o.