DOOMCV - DOOM Resource Conversion Utility Version 1.0 as of 9/1/94 NOTICE: The author of DOOMEX, DOOMIM, and DOOMCV will not be held responsible for damage or problems that may occur through use of this software. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of using this software. DOOMCV is part of a collection of 3 utilities used to import, export, and convert the resource objects in any DOOM WAD file. The other 2 programs in this set are DOOMEX, for exporting and converting resource objects in a DOOM wad file to individual files, and DOOMIM, the batch import utility. DOOMCV is a very simple program to use. It is batch-oriented, taking all files in the current directory with extensions of .PCX, .MUS, .WAV, and .MAP and converting them into DOOM resource image files with an extension of .DRI. These files are then imported into an existing IWAD or PWAD file, or added to a new PWAD file using DOOMIM. Please see DOOMEX.DOC for more information on converted exported resources. DOOMCV accepts no command line arguments. Just type DOOMCV and the process will proceed as follows: If the file is a wave file (.WAV) it will be converted. If the file is a mus music file (.MUS) it will be converted. If the file is a level map file (.MAP) it will be converted, slowly... If the file is a graphic file (.PCX) it will be converted as follows: If a file with an extension of .DGH (DOOM graphic header) exists with the same name as the PCX file, the third and fourth entries (the insertion point) will be used with the width and height in the PCX header to generate the .DRI file. You MUST have a .DGH file for all sprites, wall patch textures, and other graphics that are NOT floor and ceiling textures. Floor and ceiling textures are fixed format objects, being 64 pixels wide by 64 pixels tall. They do not need a .DGH file. DOOMCV will look for a .DGH file, and if it can't find it, then the image will be stored as a floor/ceiling texture object. If DOOMCV does find the .DGH file, it will extract the insertion point from the third and fourth numeric values and create a standard DOOM graphic object. DOOMEX will know when to create the .DGH file for you. Any other files in the current directory will be left alone. Once DOOMCV has completed, you can use DOOMIM to update an existing WAD file or create a new one. Comments/Suggestions To: Alan Peters 5475 Turney Drive Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5M 1A3