welcome to the DOOM map name converter ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Copyright 1994 - XERXES Disclaimer: This program is just a quick, cheap, hack. It does what it says it does (to the best of our knowledge :). We take no responsiblility for any damage this causes to hardware or software. If it destroys a file of yours or anything like that, then we're sorry, we didn't mean it, but you can't sue! Copyright: This program is FREEWARE, copy at will, but don't make a profit off it. If you want to publish it (as if), please call us first. DOOM and DOOM II are trademarks of id Software (suprise, suprise). Operation: MAPCONV wadname oldmap newmap 'wadname' : a PWAD file (the .WAD extension appened if necessary) 'oldmap' : the old map name 'newmap' : guess :) Checking is done for valid PWADs and map names, so you can't do anything too disastrous. This program will work with DOOM and DOOM II PWADs and map names (but not IWADs, don't be suicidal). Run the EXE without any paramters for all the info you need. Warnings: Not all DOOM textures exist in DOOM II and most things in DOOM II do not exist in DOOM. Therefore, even if a map name is converted to the format of a different DOOM version, it may not work. Brought to you by: XERXES software. Nick Virtue (nod), Damon Maria (nomad) and Nic Wise (wiz). email: xerxes@iconz.co.nz P.S. Don't mock our inglich ;). P.P.S. We mean what we say about XDE! P.P.P.S. Hamish Guthrey <- a man who likes to see his name in print :)