THE STORYLINE OF Benjamin And the Alien Incident (PC,PC CD-ROM) --------------------------------------------------------------- One rather typical Halloween eve, Benjamin is witnessing his uncle's attempt to activate the Worm Hole Spawner, his latest invention. The worm hole is a tunnel through time and space, which allows travel through millions of light years in a split second. The experiment works, and a hole in the sky rips open. Meanwhile in a galaxy far, far away, an entity, chased by a spaceship, accidentally dive into the worm hole which suddenly appears before them. The entity and the spaceship fly through the wormhole and reach our galaxy. The entity immediately enters earth's atmosphere. Inside the spaceship a chaos brakes loose. The spaceship hits the brakes and starts to orbit around earth. The commander of the spaceship, Boss, orders a group of aliens to land on earth and bring back the one that's responsible for getting them where they are. While a bunch of aliens take a shuttle and go out to get Benjamin's uncle, the rest of the spaceship crew start to scan the planet in order to relocate the entity. The alien shuttle lands next to the mansion and four white little aliens emerge from inside. They enter the mansion and grab Benjamin's uncle, while Ben himself is hiding behind the Worm Hole Spawner. Unnoticed, Benjamin is left behind with a task to solve the alien mystery and rescue his uncle... and possibly the galaxy as well. -At this point the player begins the actual game itself- ( > marks the next location ) -THE MANSION- >Laboratory: ---------------- Benjamin finds a note with a password on it from the trashcan. He then picks up the rope hanging on the wall. Ben tries to use the computer but he doesn't have a disk and so decides to look on to it later on. Benjamin notices a loose plank on the floor and tries to move it, but it doesn't budge. >Hallway: ------------- Benjamin tries to go after his uncle and attempts to open the front door, but stops on his tracks when he hears somebody mumbling outside. He takes a look through the peep hole and sees two aliens guarding the house outside. Ben realises that he has to find another way out of the mansion. As Ben turns away from the door he notices his uncle's jacket hanging on the coat rack and looks into its pockets. Ben finds a stethoscope from the pocket. >Kitchen: ------------- Benjamin sees a note hanging on the fridge door. He reads it through and becomes curious about the fridge's contents. He opens the door and finds a crowbar, a jar of growing potion, and a bottle of milk inside. He picks up the crowbar and the growing potion but leaves the milk where it is when he remembers what the note on the fridge door said.. He closes the fridge door and sees a hunk of moldy bread on the sink. Knowing that he might get hungry saving his uncle, he decides to grab the bread along. Benjamin finds a fuse and a box of matches lying on top of the cupboard and grabs them along as well. >Hallway: --------- Ben looks at the livingroom door and sees that it doesn't have a handle or a keyhole. Ben notices a small electric eye on the side of the door and thinks that he better find some kind of a device instead of a key if he wants to open the door. Ben heads upstairs. >Bedroom: -------------------- Benjamin enters the bedroom and notices that the lights are out. He tries to turn the lamp on but there doesn't seem to be any power. >Ben's room: ------------ Benjamin looks at the monitor his uncle repaired (the one with the hammer in it) and picks up the hammer. Benjamin sees his trusty old walkman lying on his bed and picks it up. Benjamin opens the cabinet door and finds a videocassette. >Upstairs: ---------- Benjamin uses the growing potion on the plant and KA-WOOSH! -The plant quickly mutates into a giant pumpkin tree with a big, beautiful pumpkin. Ben thinks to himself "that'd sure make one hell of a Halloween mask!" and so tries to pick it up, but no, it's too tight, the root's just too thick. Benjamin tries to open the door next to the pumpkin tree but it's locked. >Laboratory: ------------ Benjamin uses the crowbar to remove the not-so-loose plank on the floor and finds a big key. Thinking back he remembers the locked door upstairs and then thinks he'd better try this big key he found to that door later on. Benjamin sees a fuse box and when he opens it he sees there is a fuse missing. Benjamin plugs the fuse he found from the kitchen into the empty slot and closes the fusebox. >Bedroom: --------- Benjamin tries to turn the lights on now that the previously missing fuse has been plugged in, and yippee, they come on. Benjamin opens the drawer below the lamp and finds a note. Benjamin turns over the pillow on the right bed and finds a small key. Benjamin tries to open the closet, but it's locked. On the way out he grabs the remote control from the table beneath the mirror. >Library: --------- Benjamin tries the big key he found from the lab to the library door and hurray, it works. He enters the library and finds a bookshelf that's locked to the wall. He uses the small key to open the lock and pushes the shelf aside, unveiling a secret safe. Having seen a lot of movies he uses his knowledge and unlocks the safe using the stethoscope!? Ben finds two disks and a key from the safe. Ben walks to the window and uses the hammer to break it. He then picks up the piece of glass from the floor. Ben decides to go and try the key he found from the safe to the bedroom closet. >Bedroom: --------- Benjamin uses the key from the safe to open the closet door. Inside the closet he finds piles of brand new clothes, still wrapped in plastic covers, as if they weren't even ment to be used at all. Ben finds this a little bit weird but decides to forget about it and head for the laboratory to try out the disks he found from the safe. >Laboratory: ------------ Benjamin uses the floppy disk he found from the safe with the floppy toaster and the program starts to load. The machine then asks for a password and Ben cleverly uses the password note he found from the trashcan. The password works and the program appears on the screen. Benjamin clicks the elevator to go up, and the computer starts to process... Ben suddenly remembers the neatly ironed, firmly folded, still covered in plastic clothes in the bedroom closet and decides to go and have another look... >Bedroom: --------- To Ben's amazement, the clothes in the closet are gone, and there's an elevator booth in the closet instead. Not hesitating for a moment, Ben jumps into the closet and the elevator starts to descent... >Basement: ---------- Ben finds himself in a secret basement and notices a strange looking apparatus. He sees an open hatch with a battery beside the apparatus and picks the battery up. Ben places the battery inside the remote control. Ben sees a deep looking shaft, which might come in handy later on, when it's time to escape from the mansion... Ben goes back to the elevator and heads upstairs. >Living room: ------------ Ben opens the living room door with the remote control. Ben sees a radio standing next to one of the plants and picks it up. Ben sees a pair of scissors next to the TV and picks them up. Ben turns the holographic 3D TV on with the remote control and puts the tape he found from his room into the VCR. Ben watches the western for a while until an arrow is shot through the screen into the bowl on the floor. Ben picks the arrow up. >Upstairs: --------- Ben uses the scissors to cut the pumpkin from it's vines. He then uses the piece of glass to carve the pumpkin into a Halloween mask. >Bedroom: --------- Ben goes back to the elevator and heads down below again. >Basement: ---------- Ben attaches the rope into the ring on the floor and leaps into the shaft. -THE FOREST- >Sewer: ------- Benjamin falls down and lands on the sewer floor that's covered with water. He stands up, sees a piece of rolled paper on top of a trashpile and picks it up. Ben notices a handle on one of the pipes on the wall. He turns the handle and the water starts to poor out of the sewer, revealing a strange, small lever on the wall. Ben pushes the lever and a part of the wall turns around, revealing a ladder that leads outside. Ben climbs up. >Laboratory: ------------ Ben has a weird feeling that he's still going to need the fuse on his way to save his uncle and the world, so he grabs it along. >Pal's house: ------------- Ben arrives at his friend's house. Sluggs, who's father loaned the observatory keys from Ben's uncle, is home asleep. As Ben tries to wake him up by yelling and shouting, he sees a mailbox in front of the house, stuffed full of dynamite. "This'll wake him up" -Ben thinks, lights a match and sets fire to one of the dynamites. -KABOOM!!- >Town: ------ Ben falls down to the ground after the heavy explosion and sees an antique store with bright neon lights in front of him. Fascinated by the thought of an antique store that's open 24 hours a day, he goes inside. >Antique store: --------------- After hearing the shopkeeper out, Ben offers him the arrow that came out of his uncle's 3D holo TV in exchange for the diver's suit the shopkeeper was raving about. The shopkeeper agrees, takes the arrow, and gives Ben the diver's suit. Ben walks out of the shop. >Pal's house Blown up: ---------------------- Ben finds his friend standing in the middle of what's left of his home. Looking a bit disorientated, Sluggs gives Ben the keys to the observatory and advices him to leave before his parents come back. Ben agrees and heads for the forest. >Crossroads: ------------ Ben meets a very confused hippy-sort-of-person who wants to exchange his Gameson to Ben's walkman. Ben agrees and makes the exchange. >Park: ------ Benjamin sees an alien in a phone booth, speaking on the phone, and then suddenly teleporting away. When the alien vanishes into the air, there's an explosion that damages the teleport booth's electric components. Ben realizes that this could be the ticket to the alien ship he's been looking for. He tries to use the phone but when he hears the strange alien mumbo-jumbo coming out from the speaker and notices the broken cables hanging out from the booth, he knows that he's either going to have to think of some other way to get to the ship, or somehow fix this broken alien teleporter device. >Observatory outside: --------------------- Ben arrives at the front door of the observatory and uses the key he got from Sluggs to open the door. Ben goes inside. >Observatory downstairs: ------------------------ Ben looks around and sees a picture of a UFO hanging on the wall. He takes a closer look and sees that there's more to it than meets the eye; Ben finds a fuse box behind the picture. Of course, there's a fuse missing, so Ben takes the fuse he found from the mansion and plugs it in. Ben sees a circuit breaker behind the plants on the bottom left and switches the power on. Ben goes upstairs. >Observatory upstairs: ---------------------- Ben sees a telescope aimed at the starlit skies, tests it out and sees but the moon in the dark skies. Ben notices a switch beside the telescope, and pulls it. The telescope starts to turn. Ben takes another look through the telescope, and this time he sees the alien mothership itself, floating among the stars. Ben sees some kind of an old computer system next to the wall and turns it on. He sees a slot beneath the monitor, just about the size of the Gameson. Ben tries to plug the Gameson into the slot, and amazingly enough, it fits perfectly. Ben puts the 3.5" disk he found from the mansion into the machine's disk drive and looks at the monitor. A menu appears on the screen, giving three options for the user; 1:Scan telescope view, 2:Save co-ordinates and 3:Exit. Ben selects the "scan telescope view" option, and the program informs that it has found an unidentified object from the telescope view and throws all kinds of weird readings and co-ordinates to the screen. Ben returns to the main menu and saves the co-ordinates on to the Gameson. Ben grabs the Gameson along and leaves the observatory. >Yodle: ------- Ben meets the legendary Yodle, the guru his uncle always talked about, and to Ben's great amazement, it turns out that Yodle is in fact Ben's grandfather. Yodle tells Ben about Ben's father who was a thief, and gives Ben the picklock Ben's old man once used in his professsion. Ben tells Yodle the whole story about the worm hole spawner and the aliens kidnapping his uncle, and explains about the broken teleportation booth he saw in the park. Ben gives the blueprints he found from the sewer to Yodle, and Yodle agrees to build him the teleportation unit described in them. In order to build it Yodle asks Ben to get him two things: a radio and a portable computer device. Ben gives Yodle the radio he found from the mansion and the Gameson he got from the hippy, and Yodle tells Ben they'll do just fine. Yodle tells Ben to come back later when he's done, and goes inside his tree hut to work on the machine. As Ben starts to think of a way to make the time fly he realizes that he's never been to the cemetery before 'cause he always thought it was too spooky and all that. But now that he's seen his own uncle get kidnapped by aliens from outer space and met the much talked about Yodle who turned out to be his grandfather, Ben realizes that there's nothing that could scare him anymore and decides to go and have a look at the cemetery. >Cemetery: --------------- Ben walks through the cemetery and arrives at the crypt's door. He sees that the doorway is sealed with a wall of laser beams and knowing from experience that it's bad for your health to walk through a wall of lasers, he starts to look around trying to find a switch or a button that'd shut the lasers down, but all he finds is a ghastly statue with a sign on it saying: "The Gatekeeper". Ben notices that the statue has its right hand on its ear, as if it was waiting for someone to say something. Ben says "Hello", but nothing happens, and so decides to head back for the forest to see how Yodle's doing, instead of thinking of a way to open the crypt's door. >Yodle: ------- Ben comes back to Yodle's tree hut and sees that the door is open. Ben notices Yodle's pipe lying on the ground and picks it up. Thinking that Yodle has probably finished working on the device, Ben decides to go inside and have a look. >Yodle's home: -------------- Ben steps inside and sees that Yodle's not home. Wondering where Yodle might have gone, Ben asks Yodle's parrot if he knows where his master is. The parrot says "food" and so Ben decides to give the mouldy bread to him. The parrot eats the bread and faints due to the extreme stomach pain caused by the terrible mouldy lump that was once a bread, and hits his head on the wall in the process. The event causes the hidden safe in the wall to open, revealing Yodle's most recent masterpiece, the teleport engine. Ben grabs it along. Ben notices a piece of paper on a table and thinks that it might be Yodle's message to him, telling where Yodle went to. After reading it through, Ben realizes that it's just a page from a diary Yodle likes to keep about his daily doings. Ben also sees a runestone on the table and takes a look at it. He wonders about the bizarre words "Look! A blueberry", engraved in the stone. Ben goes outside. >Cemetery: ---------- Ben arrives at the crypt's door again, and remembers the strange words "Look! A blueberry." engraved in the runestone he saw on Yodle's table, and so he decides to try them out on the statue. Amazingly enough, it works and the laser gate opens. Ben heads inside. -THE CRYPT- >Mummy room: ------------ As Ben descends the cold, dark and dusty stairs filled with skeletons and spider web, he notices an eerie smell emerging from down below. When he finds out the stinker happens to be a 1000 year old mummy telling Ben he's just been resurrected to guard his master from everyone who tries to enter the crypt, Ben is tempted to turn back and forget about all this. But as the mummy tells Ben how badly he's in need for a good smoke, Ben decides to give the mummy the pipe he found from Yodle's porch. The mummy asks for a light and Ben lits the pipe with one of the matches he found from the mansion. When the mummy notices that the pipe is stuffed with some kind of mucus and tries to blow it out, one of the sparks emerging from the pipe lands on the mummy's head and burns him up. Ben goes down the stairs. >Puddle: -------- Ben comes into a room with a locked wooden door and a small puddle. After realizing what a great opportunity this is to try out his newly aquired diving suit, Ben puts the suit on and dives into the pool. >Diving: -------- As Ben swims deeper and deeper he reaches the bottom of the chasm and sees a big, rusty old chest lying on the ground. When Ben attempts to open the chest he notices that it's locked, and so takes out his father's trusty old picklock. Ben manages to unlock the chest with it but all he finds inside the chest is a big, rusty old key. Ben can't help noticing the huge propeller spinning around on the chasm wall. As Ben gets closer to the propeller, he sees some sort of light emerging from the other side of the propeller. Knowing that it'd be too dangerous to try to swim through the rotating blades, Ben heads back up. >Puddle: -------- Ben rises from the pool and walks to the wooden door. Ben uses the big, rusty old key to open the door, and walks inside. >Steam room: ------------ Ben walks down the stairs and sees a grating on the ground with hot steam coming out of it. Ben sees a hole in the ground with a ladder leading to a dark room below. Ben walks down the ladder. >Engine room: ------------- Ben finds a strange machine that's only purpose seems to be to pump steam into the room above. Ben finds a big red button on the wall and pushes it. The lights come on and Ben sees a switch on the right wall. He walks to the switch and pulls it. Ben walks to the ladder and climbs up. >Steam room: ------------ As the hot steam no longer gushes through the grating, Ben is able to cross it safely. Ben walks over the crating and sees a lever on the side of a big machine. Ben pulls the lever. >Diving: -------- Ben swims down and sees that the propeller has stopped rotating. Now that the blades are not moving anymore Ben is able to swim to the other side. >Maze entrance: --------------- Ben emerges from the water and finds himself in a huge underground hall filled with gigantic rock formations reaching high into the cavern's roof, and a handful of doorways leading to a huge maze. Ben opens the door on the ground level and walks in. >Maze: ------ Up, right, up, up, up, up, right, up. At this point Ben has come to a dead end but he finds an old skeleton lying on the ground, and after taking a closer look at it, he notices that the skeleton has a pick-axe with a rope tied to it in its hand. Ben picks it up and continues to wander about in the caverns. Down, left, down, left, left, left, left, down, down. Maze entrance: --------------- Ben sees a rusty old fence on the ledge he's standing on and ties the other end of the rope with a pick-axe to the fence, and then throws the pick-axe to the ledge on the right. He then proceeds to walk on the rope to reach the other ledge. Ben succeeds and reaches the ledge safely. Ben walks through the doorway and enters the second maze. >Maze II: --------- Up, left, up, up, up, right, up, up, up, up, up, right, right, down, right. >Entity room: ------------- Ben meets the awesome entity itself and is told to go to the alien ship, destroy it and bring back his uncle and grandfather. The entity gives Ben a magic phone number and teleports him back to the cemetery. >Park: ------ Ben hooks the teleport engine to the broken alien teleporter and looks at the magic phone number he got from the entity. He dials the number and teleports away. -THE ALIEN SHIP- >Transporter room: ------------------ Ben appears on a teleport pad and sees an alien sleeping against the transporter chamber's control console. Knowing that he musn't be recognized, Ben cleverly disguises himself by putting on the pumpkin mask he got from the mansion. Ben walks to the door on the left. >Security room: --------------- As Ben enters the security room he finds himself standing on a conveyor belt, slowly moving him through the room while he's being scanned through a huge x-ray screen. The pumpkin disguise works well and Ben is classified as an alien, meaning that he's free to move around in the ship without gathering any unwanted attention. >Corridor: -------------- Ben walks to the elevator door and steps in. >Elevator: -------------- The ship computer asks Ben to insert his security card into the security card slot in order to identify the user and his rights to access the different parts of the ship. Ben heads back for the transporter room in an attempt to find something that'd be of help. >Transporter room: ------------------ As Ben enters the room he notices that the sleepy guard has moved into a more comfortable position; lying on the floor with his tail wrapped around him as a blanket, sleeping like a baby. Ben notices a small security card lying on top of the transporter chamber's control console and picks it up. >Elevator: -------------- Ben inserts the security card into the computer and presses one of the buttons indicating the floors he's able to access with his current security card. The elevator starts to move. >Hallway: ------------- Ben steps out of the elevator and walks through the doorway on the right end of the hallway. >Waiting-room: ------------------ Ben comes into the waiting-room and sees a couple of aliens sitting on a bench, waiting. Ben pushes the button on the ticket machine and the machine spits out a queueing number. Excited about this intriguing alien device, Ben soon becomes addicted and pushes the button over and over again with the machine spitting out masses of queueing numbers but eventually, the machine runs out of tickets. Ben picks up the 3574 queueing numbers lying on the floor. After a security droid has gongratulated Ben for his incredible achievement, Ben goes back to the elevator. >Lobby: ----------- Ben steps out of the elevator and finds himself in a room with security cameras and strange lights illuminating the room. When Ben sees a giant pumpkin headed alien walking around in the room he begins to understand why his pumpkin mask fooled the aliens so well. Ben sees a door with a security card slot beside it and plugs in his card. The door opens and Ben walks inside. >Jail: ---------- Ben enters one of the ship's jails and sees a monstrous jail guard approaching him. Knowing exactly what to do, he offers to sell his pumpkin mask to the guard. As the guard expresses his reluctance, Ben quickly makes up a story about the alien boss wanting to see the guard about some important matter. It works and the guard panics leaving the room in such a hurry that he even forgets his security card in the security card slot. Then, Ben makes an incredible find: his uncle and his grandfather have been thrown in a cell together, just waiting for Ben to come and get them out. But as Ben finds out, it's not that simple. The cells are sealed with some sort of force fields that can't be opened without a console or some other device. As Ben leaves the room he picks up the guard's card from the card slot. >Waiting-room: -------------- As Ben enters the waiting-room again he notices a small alien ring lying on the floor and picks it up. >Jail: ------ Ben uses the ring he found from the waiting-room to activate the small computer screen that's built-in the jail's left wall. The computer gives Ben a password and the jail's number. >Elevator: -------------- As Ben enters the elevator again he uses the jail guard's security card in the elevator computer and notices that with this new card of his he is able to access a new floor on the ship. Ben pushes the button and the elevator starts its way. >Hallway II: ---------------- As Ben steps out of the elevator he sees an alien maintenance man trying to open a locked door with various security cards. The alien tells Ben that he's the ship's maintenance man and that he's supposed to maintain the Boss' escape pod. He also tells Ben that the Boss might have given him the wrong security card since he seems to be unable to open the door leading to the pod room with the cards he has. After a while the alien asks Ben to go to the Boss and ask him if he gave him the wrong security card. Ben agrees. >Hallway: ------------- Ben plugs the jail guard's security card into the console in the hallway and enters the access code he got from the jail's computer to log in, and then opens all the prison cells on the ship. The speakers in the hallway start to pump out an alarm signal with an alien voice informing that a dangerous prisoner has escaped. Soon a monstrous alien appears and chases a small white alien into the waiting-room, eating anything that gets in its way. Then, slowly, Ben begins to understand what the alarm was about. Despite all this, Ben bravely goes to the waiting-room. >Waiting-room: -------------- Ben sees the monster finishing his meal and then suddenly running out of the room with amazing speed. The number on the number board changes and Ben goes to see the Boss. >Boss room: ----------- After a brief chat the Boss gives Ben his personal escape pod card. >Hallway II: ------------ Ben sees that the maintenance alien has vanished, and so he tries to open the door himself. The card works and Ben goes into the room. >Escape pod room: ----------------- Ben finds a security card slot on the side of the airlock and plugs the escape pod card in. The airlock opens, revealing the door leading to the actual pod itself. Ben realizes that it's time to go and get his uncle and grandfather. When Ben attempts to leave the room, he notices that the door to the hallway doesn't open. Ben finds himself locked inside the escape pod room, wondering whether he should just launch the escape pod now and forget about his uncle and grandfather, or try to find some strange way out of the room which he hasn't thought of yet. It is then that Ben notices a loose looking panel on the wall next to the door, panics and starts to tear it out insanely. Ben finds two strange, disconnected cables beneath the panel and wonders if he could somehow connect them again, possibly opening the door again. He looks around the room and spots a possible solution to the problem on the right of the room, next to the big pipes, where he sees a bunch of loose cables. "Surely, ripping just one of 'em off couldn't possibly do any harm" Ben thinks, and tears one of the cables off. Ben ties the piece of broken cable to the disconnected wires beneath the panel, and the door opens. >Jail: ------ Ben tells the professor and Yodle about the esccape pod and leads them to it. Escape pod room: ----------------- Ben goes into the pod with the professor and Yodle. The pod computer asks if the Boss is sure that he wants to launch the escape pod and destroy the ship's engines. Yodle pushes the red button in the pod's control panel and the computer bids good day and the pod is launched.