NOTES FOR CD Installation of F.S.T. ----------------------------------- 1) TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE The FST Windows tools use temporary files to exchange information. When running the tools from CD looking at a project on CD FST uses a DOS environment variable to point to a place for its temporary files. ________ It is thus ESSENTIAL that you setup a temporary variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT for running from CD. The procedure for doing this is outlined in Section 1.4 of the FST manual. 2) Copying FST tools onto Hard Disk You can if you wish copy the FST tools to your hard disk for convenience, they only take up about 1MByte of disk space. a) Copy all the files from your CD TOOLS directory to the hard disk \FST\TOOLS directory (including the TEMPLATE sub-directory) using the file manager. b) Rename the file called ROMTOOLS.DAT in the hard disk \FST\TOOLS directory to ROMTOOLS.SAV c) Change the FST program group "Command Line" entry to call the hard disk copy of PROJECT.EXE. (Do this by selecting the FST program item (in the Microsoft Program Manager) and selecting the FILE->PROPERTIES item. 3) Running the DEMO games from CD TOPGUN and PILOT both run directly from CD, however if you want to save your control preferences from within the game you must specify a place on the hard disk to save and load the prefereneces files from. Type TOPGUN HELP or PILOT HELP at the DOS prompt for details on how to do this. (Close this editor to finish the installation procedure)