Background Noise Registration Form ====================================================================== Please fill out and mail all of the following information to officially register Background Noise with P & J's Software. You may fill out this form with Notepad or, if you don't have a printer, you may write all the information. A. YOUR MAILING ADDRESS ======================== Full Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________________ B. DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION ============================ I obtained Background Noise from: ___ a Friend ___ CompuServe ___ Other Please specify: ____________________________ I have the following floppy drives: ___ 3.5" ___ 5.25" C. PAYMENT WORKSHEET ===================== Use this itemized list to help calculate your total registration fee. 1. Registration fee. $ 10.00 2. Enter '1' if you are the only user of this copy of Background Noise; otherwise, enter the number of network licenses you need. ______ 3. Multiply the fee from question 1 by the amount from question 2 to calculate your total registration fee. $ ______ 4. If you are registering network licenses, you may take a 30% discount by multiplying your answer to question 3 by 0.70. $ ______ D. YOUR PERSONAL REGISTRATION CODE =================================== When you exit Background Noise, or choose Registration from the Help menu of Background Noise, a dialog will appear that shows you your Registration Code. Please obtain this information in either way and write your Registration Code below: My Registration Code: _______________________________ E. MAILING YOUR REGISTRATION ============================= Please send your answers to the above questions along with your CHECK or MONEY ORDER (send no cash) for the amount calculated in the PAYMENT WORKSHEET section to the following address: P & J's Software 14150 NE 20th Box 277 Bellevue, WA 98007 Make your check or money order payable to P & J's Software. For more information about registration (like what you receive), please review the Registration help file topic displayed by choosing Index from Background Noise's Help menu and then selecting the help file topic Registration which is listed under the Shareware Information header. If you have any questions, you may contact P & J's Software either by the above mailing address, or by sending e-mail to either of the e-mail address below: CompuServe: 71303,2375 Internet: Thank you for your support of Background Noise and the Shareware industry. - Paul McLaughlin President P & J's Software