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9. Details of devices

This section provides more details of all the hardware available to the bot...

In the port listings first the name of the port is listed and then a ddescription. The name is the predefined constant of the port and is of this form:


First the name of the hardware, # stands for the number of the hardware eg. the first CPU has a 0 there and the fifth has a 4 there. Then after that comes _ with the name of the port

9.1 CPU:

The CPU device is the device that runs the actual program.
It can execute numerous opcodes.

In addition to that it can take two parameters:

%CPUboot and %CPUstack


%CPUboot 0


This means that the first device CPU will boot at position :label
and that it's stack memory starts at label2
This is especially important if you use multiple CPU:s

first: CPU#_GetXSize, get X-size of battlearea
second: CPU#_GetYSize, get Y-size of battlearea
third: CPU#_GetBattleType, get type of battle (0-normal,1-survival,2-deathmatch)
fourth: CPU#_GetMyTeam, get team/frequency of your bot.

9.2 Engine:

The engine device is what regulates with what speed your bot moves

first: Engine#_SetThrust, set the wanted speed
second: Engine#_SetReverseThrust, set the wanted reverse speed

first: Engine#_GetThrust, get the current thrust level
second: Engine#_GetSpeed, get the current speed

9.3 Steering:

The steering device makes your bot turn

It can steer a certain number of botgrades each round (determined by config).
There are 1024 botgrades on a circle, and the botgrade 0 is straight to the right.

first: Steering#_AdjustWantedDir, adjust-heading, The value is relative to the
current aimed heading and is in botgrades, To turn right 8 botgrades: out 0*,8
To turn left: out 0*,1016

second: Steering#_SetDir, Aim at absolute heading
out 1*, 512 ;Go straight left

third: Steering#_AdjustCurrentDir, Sort of like the first, but the value isn't
relative to the aimed heading, but relative to the current "real" heading. This
can prevent the "overflow" problem...

* Adjust for the position of the device

first: Steering#_GetDir, get current dir
second: Steering#_GetWantedDir, get current wanted dir
third: Steering#_GetXpos, get X-position
fourth: Steering#_GetYpos, get Y-position

9.4 Plasmagun:

The plasmagun is a weapon

first: Plasmagun#_Shoot, fire shot

9.5 Armor:

The armor provides protection against enemy weapons
If hit when no armour is left, the bot dies

first: Armor#_SetCollIntEnabled, hit/collision interrupt enable/disable
second: Armor#_SetArmorIntEnabled, armor below level interrupt enable/disable
third: Armor#_SetArmorIntLevel, set level for armor interrupt
fourth: Armor#_SetHeatIntLevel, set level for heat interrupt

first: Armor#_GetArmor, Amount of armor for bot
Second: Armor#_GetHeat, Amount of heat for bot (>500 and armor starts burning off)

9.6 Scanner:

The scanner searches an area for enemy bots

first: Scanner#_Scan, emit scan pulse (update distance and acuracy registers)
second: Scanner#_SetScanWidth, set width of scanner
third: Scanner#_SelectReturn, select what the fourth inport should return
        0:frequency of bot last scanned
        1:number of object last scanned
        2:direction of object last scanned
        3:speed of object last scanned
fourth: Scanner#_SetSensitivity, Set sensitivity for scanner
Decides what kind of objects the scanner sees.
level 5 sees only bots and chaffs
level 4 sees above and missiles
level 3 sees above and mines
level 2 sees above and rocket
level 1 sees above and plasmashots

first: Scanner#_GetScanDistance, get distance to bot in last scan (65535 if none was found)
second: Scanner#_GetScanAccuracy, Get accuracy of last scan. Returns a value (0-4) .
If the enemy bot was in the middle of your scan it returns 2, if
it was to the leftmost 0 and to the rightmost 4.
third: Scanner#_GetScanWidth, return current width of scanner beam
fourth: Scanner#_GetScanInfo, Return one of the four things set by the third outport

9.7 fuel:

Provides fuel for the engine.

first: Fuel#_SetFuelIntEnabled, set fuel below level interrupt enable/disable
second: Fuel#_SetFuelIntLevel, set level for interrupt

first: Fuel#_GetFuel, Get fuel amount

9.8 Turret:

Can "turn" other devices around even if the bot stands still.
The only devices that currently can be turned are scanner,
plasmagun, AS-Rocket and missile. The turret needs the number
of the device it is it should turn in the white box beside the

first: Turret#_SetOffset, put at absolute offset (offsets device an absolute number
from the bots heading)
second: Turret#_AdjustOffset, put at relative offset (offset device a number from the
current offset)

first: Turret#_GetOffset, return current offset
second: Turret#_GetWantedOffset, return current wanted offset (in case it hasn't had the time
to move all the way...)

9.9 Time-device:

This is a ticking clock
It ticks once every combat round (~ 50 ticks per second)

first: Timer#_SetTime, Set current time tick
second: Timer#_SetIntTime, Set time for interrupt
third: Timer#_SetIntEnabled, Interrupt enable

first: Timer#_GetTime, Get current time
second: Timer#_GetIntTime, Get interrupt time
third: Timer#_GetIntEnabled, Get interrupt enabled

9.10 Shield device:

This device stops a percentage of all incoming damage.
It doesn't get damaged itself, but it uses fuel whenever
it's up

It uses 5 fuel for every round it's up (should I increase this?)

first: Shield#_SetShieldEnabled, Up with shield/down with shield (1 is up, 0 is down)

first: Shield#_GetShieldEnabled, Get current state of shield (up/down)

9.11 Repair device:

This device (slowly) repairs the damage on your armor

It doesn't react to inports/outports

9.12 Radio device:

With this device your bots can communicate with all on
their own frequenzy. In team battle each team has it's
own frequenzy.

first: Radio#_SetReceiver, Set receiver (Sets bot, on your team that should receive msg:s)
255 means all on your freq ( receives it.

second: Radio#_SendMsg, Send number (sends a number to receiver
third: Radio#_SetMsgIntEnabled, set message received int enabled/disabled

first: Radio#_GetNumMsgs, Gets the number of msgs in queue
second: Radio#_GetMsg, Get first number in queue
third: Radio#_GetMyNum, Get my number

9.13 Minelayer:

This device lays small explosive devices on the ground that explode on

Each mine can make 70 damage

first: Minelayer#_LayMine, lay mine

first: Minelayer#_GetMines, get mines left

9.14 Missile:

This is a programmable missile, it contains (in this order) a CPU,steering
and a scanner device that you can control programmatically. You need to
tell it where in your ram it's CPU should boot, and if needed where it's
stackmem is.

first: Missile#_SetBootPos, set bootposition
second: Missile#_SetStackPos, set stackposition
third: Missile#_FireMissile, fire missile

first: Missile#_GetLoadTime, return reloadtime (if this is != 0 you can't fire)

example: (assuming missile is first device)

mov ax,missileboot
out 0,ax
mov ax,missilestack
out 1,ax
out 2,1 ;Fire missile
jmp start

... (missile steer code)
jmp missileboot


9.15 beam

The beam is a short range weapon, you set the exact dir and distance for
the aim and an almost immediate hit is issued when you fire.Maximum
distance is 8000 units.

first: Beam#_FireBeam, fire beam
second: Beam#_SetBeamDir, set dir of beam (you don't need turret for that)
third: Beam#_SetBeamLength, set length of beam

first: Beam#_GetDir, return dir
second: Beam#_GetLength, return length

9.16 AS-Rocket

AS-rocket is a weapon that as the beam have a certain distance set.
When it is fired it goes that distance then explodes giving all
objects nearby damage. The rocket is NOT affected by any other
objects on the way to the goal, so the only way to get away is to

first: Rocket#_SetDistance, set distance
second: Rocket#_FireRocket, fire a rocket

first: Rocket#_GetReadiness, get readiness (max 200)
second: Rocket#_GetDistance, get distance

9.17 chaff

Chaff is a device that emits chaffs. That is , radar reflecting debris
that to enemy(and friendly) scanners appears to be bots, but really is
some sort of decoy. They live for 320 cycles before they dissolve.
They goes of in the same direction your bot is traveling (only at half your

first: Chaff#_ReleaseDebris, fire debris

first: Chaff#_GetDebris, get number of debris left

9.18 Scanwarner/detector

This device keeps a count of how many times you've been scanned and can give
you some info about te last scan against you.

first: ScanWarn#_ZeroCounter, zero counter

first: ScanWarn#_GetNumScans, return counter (number of turns scanned)
second: ScanWarn#_GetScanDir, return the approximate dir for last scan
( ~128 botgrades error margain )
third: ScanWarn#_GetScanIntensity, return "intensity" for last scan

This value is calculated by adding two values:
first value is a value over how much in center of the scan you were
(center means 0 points, on the edge means 2 points)
The second is a value of how near the enemy bot were when he scanned you, that is
if you were in his lowest third of his scanners range this value is 0 and if you are
almost at the edge of his range this value is 2.
the value returned is thus 0-4.

9.19 Chiller

This device helps cooling your bot each round. Even when doing passive cooling
it helps,but activating active cooling doubles the cooling effect. However,
active cooling uses fuel.

first: Chiller#_SetExtraCooling, Set active cooling on/off


9.20 Cloak device

This device lowers your radar signature, so that your bots appear to scanners to
be of the size of a smaller object. If enemy scanners have their sensitivity set
higher they wondt see you, however, enabling cloak will use fuel and generate heat

first: Cloak#_EnableCloak, Set cloak on/off


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