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11. "Physical" details of objects

A lot of the specific data, especially for the "devices" is set in the config file, why this list can't be complete. However some data is still hardcoded into the code and that is listed here. (In a future version of BattleBots I might move all of these "constants" into a config file too...)

11.1 Speeds:

plasmashot: 256
AS-rocket: 256
Missile: 256

11.2 Explosion strength

plasmashot: 15
mine: 70
AS-rocket: 120-0 (120 at center, 0 at 3000 units)
missile: 175
beam: 7

11.3 Heat generated

firing plasmashot: 45
engine thrust: forward : int(speed/35) backward : int(speed/25)
shield absorbing damage: strength absorbed * 4
using cloak: 5 + points of cloak (each cycle!)

11.4 Fuel used

engine thrust : 1+thrust/10
firing beam : 20
using cloak : 6
using shield : 4
active cooling : 5

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