Using the Cookie Pal taskbar tray icon

When you run Cookie Pal, an icon is added to the taskbar tray (in the bottom right corner of the screen) which can be used to interact with Cookie Pal. The taskbar icon minimizes Cookie Palís screen usage while running and can make its usage almost transparent.


The icon will appear as a small cookie in the taskbar tray and will appear different depending on the state of Cookie Pal as follows:



This icon appears when Cookie Pal is not monitoring any browsers.


This icon appears when Cookie Pal is monitoring cookies for a browser.


This icon appears briefly when Cookie Pal accepts or rejects a cookie.


This icon appears if Cookie Pal is disabled.



Displaying the main window

The main Cookie Pal window is not initially displayed when you start Cookie Pal. To display the main window you can either double click on the Cookie pal tray icon, or you can right click on the Cookie Pal tray icon and select the Show command from the pop-up menu.


Hiding the main window

If the main window is currently displayed, you can click the minimize button in the main window to hide it. Alternatively you can double click on the Cookie Pal tray icon, or you can right click on the Cookie Pal tray icon and select the Hide command from the pop-up menu.


The tray icon menu

Clicking on the tray icon with the right mouse button will display a pop-up menu. This menu has the following commands on it:



This option will either show or hide the main Cookie Pal window. If the window is displayed, clicking the minimize button on the window will also hide it.

Add Browser

This option allows you to customize Cookie Pal by having it monitor programs which are not recognized by Cookie Pal, that use cookies (and display cookie alerts). Click here to find out more about this.


This option will either disable or enable Cookie Pal. This allows you to disable Cookie Pal's functionality without shutting it down. When disabled a different icon will appear in the taskbar tray and Cookie Pal will no longer intercept cookies from your browser. This means that you will see the default browser warning message whenever a cookie is received. Select the Enable command to activate Cookie Pal again.

WWW Home Page

This option will display the Kookaburra Software web site in the default web browser on your computer.

Check for Update

This option will connect to our web site and display a page showing whether any updates to Cookie Pal are available. If so, instructions will be provided on how to obtain the updates.


This option will display the program copyright message, version number and registered user information.


This option will shut down Cookie Pal.