The Session page

The Session page can be displayed by selecting the Session tab in the main Cookie Pal window. This page displays a list of web sites (or servers) from which cookies have been received for the current session (i.e. since Cookie Pal has been started).


You can display summary information (the default) or more detailed information in this list by clicking on the one of the Summary or Detail radio buttons below the list.


When displaying the summary list, the following columns are displayed:



This column displays the name of the servers or web sites which have attempted to set a cookie. The name is a web site domain name or IP address and will often begin with www.

# Accepted

This column displays the number of cookies which have been accepted (either manually or automatically) from this server for the current session.

# Rejected

This column displays the number of cookies which have been rejected (either manually or automatically) from this server for the current session.


This column displays the time at which the last cookie was received from this server. By sorting on this column you can easily see the most recent web sites which have attempted to set cookies on your computer.


When displaying the detailed list, the following columns are displayed:



This column displays either a check or an 'X'. A check is displayed if the cookie was accepted, and an X is displayed if the cookie was rejected.


This column displays the name of the servers or web sites which have attempted to set a cookie. The name is a web site domain name or IP address and will often begin with www.


This column displays the date and time at which the cookie will (or would) expire. This is displayed in terms of the local time zone set on your computer.


This column displays the name of the cookie which the web site attempted to set.


This column displays the value of the cookie which the web site attempted to set.


This column displays the time at which this cookie was received from this server. By sorting on this column you can easily see the most recent cookies which web sites which have attempted to set on your computer.


Sorting the list

You can click on any of the buttons at the top of each column to sort the list by that column. Clicking on the same button a second time will reverse the order that the items are listed in. A plus or minus sign (+ or -) will be displayed on the button for the column by which the list is sorted. For example, you can click on the Server button to sort the list in order of server name. A plus sign will then appear after the word Server to indicate that the list is sorted in increasing order of server name. If you then click on the Server button again, the list will be sorted in decreasing order by server name and a minus sign will be displayed after the word Server on the button.


Always Accept and Always Reject

These buttons will be enabled if you select one of the items in the list with the left mouse button. Pressing either of these buttons will add the name of this server to your Accept cookies from or Reject cookies from filter lists. If you do this, then cookies from this server will be automatically accepted or rejected in the future without user intervention (this only matters if you use the Ask for confirmation option on the Filters page).