Why don't cookies which I have received show up on the Cookies page?

Not all cookies that are received are stored permanently on your hard disk. Some cookies are stored only in memory and are discarded when your browser shuts down. These are known as temporary cookies and either have no expiration date, or their expiration date will be set to End of Session.

Also, it is possible that Cookie Pal is not looking in the correct place on your disk for any existing cookies (although Cookie Pal should correctly determine the location of your cookies automatically). If you are using Internet Explorer, cookies are stored in your Windows\Cookies directory, or in your Windows\Profiles\<UserName>\Cookies directory, depending on whether or not you have user profiles set up on your machine. Each cookie is stored in a separate file with a name ending in .TXT. If you are using Netscape, all cookies are stored in a single file named cookies.txt. You can use the windows "Find files or folders" feature to search for cookies.txt to find where it is located on your system.

You can verify the location where Cookie Pal is looking for your permanent cookies by displaying the main window of Cookie Pal and clicking on the Cookies tab. The folder in which Cookie Pal looks for cookies is displayed at the bottom of the window.

If you find that Cookie Pal is not looking in the right place, you can tell Cookie Pal to explicitly look for cookies in a particular directory by clicking the Change button on the Cookies tab and selecting the correct directory.