Cookie Pal does not seem to be working. What can I do?

Possibility 1

Cookie Pal relies on the warnings which your browser normally displays when a cookie is received. If your browser does not display these warning messages then Cookie Pal cannot work. You can check to make sure that "Cookie Warnings" are enabled for your browser by following these instructions.


Possibility 2

If the cookie icon in the taskbar tray never changes to a smile, then it is likely that the browser you are using is not a standard version of Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, or that you have another program running which is displaying cookie messages (such as a stock ticker program, or some news ticker programs). Note that Cookie Pal will not work with 16 bit programs, so make sure that you are using the 32 bit version of your web browser. See the topic below for more information.


Possibility 3

If you are using a non-English language web browser, then you may need to configure Cookie Pal to work with the correct language. Please see the topic about configuring Cookie Pal for non-English language browsers for more information.