THE Mac Download Manager

Introduction - Documentation Index - Shareware and Registration - Screenshot - Other Products - Contact Information

4. Reference - Preferences

4.1 General

4.2 Transmission

4.3 HTTP

4.4 FTP

4.5 Hotline

4.6 PPP

4.7 Register

If you have paid, please enter your name ( EXACTLY as it was submitted to Kagi and stated in our registration email to you ), and the registration code you have received. It would be best to copy and paste these from the email you received notifying you of your registration code. Note that both fields are case-sensitive. Then press the "Register" button to save your registration details. Once your registration code has been accepted by the program you do not need to enter it again.

Last updated by DocGen on Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 8:56:53