2900 EmTec Order Assistant for 2901 Please Enter Your Address 2902 In this step you tell us where to send the registered items 2903 Please Select your Products 2904 In this step you fill your trolley cart with the the products 2905 Pricing Calculation 2906 For your purchase you have to pay the following amount 2907 Payment 2908 Please select how you want to pay for the products 2909 Distributor Selection 2910 Please select the distributor from which you want to order from the list below 2911 Distributor Information 2912 Here is the name and address of the distrubutor (in case you want to contact them) 2913 Order Transfer 2914 Please select how you want to transfer the order to the distributor 2915 Review your order 2916 Please check if your address, ordered items are payment information are correct 2917 Order Finished 2918 Thank you for your order. It will be processed as soon as possible 2919 Welcome to 2920 2921 Feedback 2922 Please send us a short comment about the program (ideas, what you like, why you order, where you heard about it) 2930 You ordered '$PRODSOURCE'. This product normally makes it unnecessary to also order '$PRODDEPEND'. 2931 You ordered '$PRODSOURCE'. To use it, it is normally required that you also order '$PRODDEPEND' (unless you already ordered that before.) 2932 You ordered a cd, disk or manual, but you did not order '$PRODDEPEND'. Please be aware that the cd only contains the latest version of the program, but no license to turn off the evaluation mode. 2933 Do you want to modify your order or do you want to continue (please answer 'Yes' to go back to the previous window to modify the order). 2934 You ordered '$PRODSOURCE'. Your system date indicates that this time limited offer has expired. 2935 You ordered '$PRODSOURCE'. This requires that you already have a license for an ealier version of the program. Please provide the Support ID of that license together with the order. 2980 .English 2981 Thank you for ordering $PROGRAM 2982 Order 2983 You have selected the payment method: prepaid bank transfer This means that you will receive the ordered items after the money arrived at the distributors account: 2984 The order was not printed, saved or emailed. To order, please start the order program again! 2985 This program was released quite some time ago. Because of possible changes in price and distribution you cannot actually order with it. Please visit http://www.emtec.com for a newer version of the program or 2986 contact your distributor (see step 2 and 3 of this order program). 2988 Send Order via eMail|Order 2989 orders.emtec.com 2990 Sub total|Shipping|Total 2991 transmitted|printed|saved 2992 Your order has been successfully been $OPERATION 2993 An error occurred when your order was $OPERATION 2994 Save Order as 2995 Visacard|EuroCard|Bank transfer (prepaid) to |Cash/Check enclosed with registration|Einzugsermaechtigung for account|Purchase order 2996 Send to|Register to|Items/Pricing|Payment|Feedback about 2997 all prices are in 2998 Your order ist not completed and you are about to abort the order procedure. Continue ordering? 2999 Done 9001 This license has been disabled. 9002 License accepted, thank you! Please restart the program now. 9003 License not accepted, please try again! 9004 You need a newer version of this program to use this license. 9005 This license is only valid for earlier versions of this program. 9006 The license is not valid for this application. 9007 $PROGRAM is still running in evaluation mode. \nThis notification will go away after you ordered the \nprogram (eg. by using the order form in the help menu). 9008 Your evaluation period for $PROGRAM will be over in a few days! \n \nYou should order it now! 9009 Your 30 days evaulation period for \nthis program is over. \n \nPlease order it now! 9010 The license code has a bad format 10500 This beta version will expire in about two weeks. Please go to http://www.emtec.com and get an update! 10501 This beta version is expired. Please go to http://www.emtec.com and get an update! 10502 This version of $APP was released quite some time ago. Please go to http://www.emtec.com and check for an updated version (especially if you are starting this program for the first time). This message will not be shown again. 10503 &Help