History of changes ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE TEXT ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [03.04.01] WIN-REL: VERSION 4.00 [03.04.01] OS2-Rel: VERSION 4.00 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [01.04.01] FIX: list of printers had 2x LPT3 but no LPT1 [23.03.01] CHG: now puts wrapped lines into clipboard without extra CR [21.03.01] FIX: ansi auto doorway now really works [21.03.01] FIX: block selection (mouse+alt key) did not work in scrollback [21.03.01] FIX: settings dialog had references to "page 1 of 2" (os2 only) [21.03.01] FIX: Alt+M did not always remember last dialed number [21.03.01] FIX: install "..." button did not show directory selection dialog ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [20.03.01] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.95 [release candidate] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [19.03.01] FIX: should now handle linux line graphs and umlauts correctly [19.03.01] FIX: sometimes came up with "" in the statusbar [19.03.01] FIX: REXX ZocSend failed when ZocKeyboardLock was on [18.03.01] NEW: host directory import now also able to import zoc files [17.03.01] FIX: turning scrollbar on/off sometimes changed window size [15.03.01] FIX: ansi now tries to set term=ansi if term=pcansi does not work [15.03.01] FIX: ansi auto doorway mode did not work [15.03.01] FIX: text only printing under windows 2000 [28.02.01] FIX: host directory came up with multiple records selected (OS/2) [28.02.01] FIX: scrollback under OS/2 asserted a lot with incorrect font setting [28.02.01] FIX: vt220 video flash now does not lose colors [28.02.01] FIX: file transfer progress bars were always visible [26.02.01] FIX: connect with simple dial sometimes lost cursor [26.02.01] FIX: edit global options could not be password protected [26.02.01] FIX: password request sometimes did not have window focus (cursor) [26.02.01] CHG: alt-as-meta-key now does not block menu alt shortcuts when offline [24.02.01] CHG: scrolling while marking with mouse now increases speed [24.02.01] FIX: windows modem dialled asterisk at beginning of number twice [23.02.01] FIX: transfer game had no images [23.02.01] FIX: some dialog texts were cut off [22.02.01] FIX: mouse wheel scrolled full pages [22.02.01] FIX: userbar sometimes did not switch height correctly ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [22.02.01] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.94 [last beta before 3.99 release candidate] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [22.02.01] FIX: simple connect failed when called from menu or in new window [22.02.01] FIX: should now come up with standard printer on a clean install [21.02.01] CHG: the 'phone book' is now called 'host directory' [21.02.01] CHG: command line parameter /P: changed into /CALL: [21.02.01] CHG: command line parameter /S: changed into /RUN: [19.02.01] FIX: removed references to 'global options' from help text [19.02.01] FIX: text transfer window did not show until main window was clicked [19.02.01] FIX: german umlauts were wrong in file requester and notify window [19.02.01] NEW: upload function to do transparent send of binary files [19.02.01] NEW: 3270 scandinavian character support [19.02.01] NEW: 3270 option to display nul characters [19.02.01] NEW: vt220 now supports 7bit national replacement char sets [19.02.01] NEW: translation tables for german umlauts included [18.02.01] NEW: new toolbar icon images (old icons still avail as 'large') [18.02.01] CHG: windows toolbar now uses smaller (16x16) icons [18.02.01] FIX: minor 3270 problem fixed [18.02.01] FIX: scroll back buffers and logitech wheel mouse [16.02.01] FIX: dial sometimes reported assert in phonemisc.cpp [14.02.01] FIX: toolbar tooltips were missing [14.02.01] FIX: asserted in oswin.cpp after about 20-40 minutes. ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [12.02.01] OS2-REL: VERSION 3.93 [beta heading for 4.00] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [12.02.01] FIX: order directory was left behind by uninstaller [11.02.01] FIX: was possible to get two scrollbacks at the same time [12.02.01] FIX: some install quirks fixed (re asking about 'copy old options') [12.02.01] FIX: should now be less hungry in terms of W95 system/gdi resources [11.02.01] FIX: switching the type of external scrollback required restart [11.02.01] FIX: scrollbar was forced off when editor style scrollback enabled [11.02.01] CHG: should now use less system resources under Win95/98/ME ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [09.02.01] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.93 [beta heading for 4.00] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [09.02.01] NEW: REXX commands ZocListFiles ZocDoString, ZocRequestList [09.02.01] NEW: REXX commands ZocPlaySound, ZocExec [09.02.01] CHG: REXX command ZocShell (new viewmode parameter) [09.02.01] FIX: telnet crashed when connecting while being online [05.02.01] NEW: now six phone book sections [03.02.01] NEW: now possible to type to host while scroll back active [03.02.01] FIX: German umlauts were incorrectly shown in key mapping dialog [03.02.01] NEW: should now support the mouse wheel (windows only) [03.02.01] NEW: ability to print to system's default printer (windows only) [02.02.01] NEW: trace functions (see options->logging, comments welcome) [01.02.01] FIX: problem (odd response) with Yast/VIM and linux emulation fixed [29.01.01] CHG: old style capture viewer is back (options program scrollback) [29.01.01] FIX: scroll back in external window didn't retain size [29.01.01] FIX: number of max scroll back lines was too limited [19.01.01] FIX: DDE initiation was handled incorrectly (caused Excel problems) [15.01.01] FIX: userbuttons sometimes were not updated after changes [15.01.01] FIX: large part of German help file was missing [15.01.01] FIX: tooltips incorrectly showed german umlauts [15.01.01] FIX: german umlauts not converted for v3.x options and phone book [09.01.01] NEW: hostkey check for SSH device ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [09.01.01] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.92 [beta heading for 4.00] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [09.01.01] FIX: sometimes crashed when ssh prompted for username/password [06.01.01] FIX: sometimes crashed before or after file transfer [04.01.01] FIX: default log, download, upload directories were not created [04.01.01] FIX: assert error when showing options->settings->clipboard [05.12.00] FIX: ansi/vt220 scroll region problem fixed ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [20.11.00] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.91 [beta heading for 4.00] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [20.11.00] FIX: Zmodem autostart did not work under linux emulation [20.11.00] FIX: sometimes crashed after zmodem transfer [07.11.00] NEW: ssh protocol now track changes of terminal size [06.11.00] FIX: log to file now more consistent in case of errors [06.11.00] FIX: log to file could not be switched from status bar [06.11.00] FIX: dial from phone book in simple dial mode closed program [06.11.00] FIX: phone book stayed open during dial [06.11.00] FIX: file transfers failed with assert rc!=NL ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [03.11.00] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.90 [first beta for 4.00] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [22.10.00] FIX: sometimes responded to DDE when other apps were addressed [21.08.00] FIX: destructive backspace did not work in 3270 [21.08.00] FIX: delete of last character in field messed up screen in 3270 [11.08.00] FIX: now importing options from 3.xx correctly [08.08.00] NEW: session options now have a save-as button [12.07.00] NEW: program option (window) to show cursor position in status bar [12.07.00] FIX: accented characters appeard when running Unix BitchX [10.07.00] CHG: up/download now also available when offline (flashrom updates) [09.07.00] FIX: turning on/off did not work correctly for user buttons [02.07.00] FIX: possible that phonebk edit window got "lost" behind phone book [02.07.00] NEW: upload, download and script file requesters now remember dir [02.07.00] CHG: default comment in phone book now shows device+num of calls [02.07.00] CHG: hex dump mode improved (now shwos ascii column right away) [02.07.00] CHG: phone book entries now set upload/dlpath only while online [01.07.00] FIX: f-key, chat line now work depend. on DOS/ANSI setting [01.07.00] FIX: translation dialog now shows chars depend. on DOS/ANSI setting [01.07.00] CHG: dialog layouts now conform with Windows GUI guidelines [01.07.00] NEW: vt10x/vt220 option to map pf1-pf4 to top row of keypad [28.06.00] NEW: now allows to remap pause, scroll and numlock keys [28.06.00] NEW: keys can now be remapped independent of scroll-lock state [27.06.00] CHG: dialog layouts now conform with Windows GUI guidelines [25.06.00] NEW: wrap around (multiple lines) for user buttons [01.04.00] FIX: sizing problems with scroll back bar fixed [15.12.99] FIX: emu3270 did not handle some order information correctly [15.12.99] FIX: charset setting (DOS/Windows) was wrong [15.12.99] FIX: ansi reverse color problem fixed [14.12.99] NEW: Sun Solaris (CDE) emulation [14.12.99] NEW: added Alt=Meta key option to some emulations [08.12.99] FIX: linux emu did not work [05.12.99] NEW: telnet connects can now be aborted [28.11.99] NEW: REXX command to access program options (ZocSetGlobalOption) [18.11.99] FIX: upload of multiple files from a root directory did not work [15.11.99] FIX: ctrl+digit keys could not be remapped [10.11.99] NEW: multiple ZOC instance support for phone book and options [11.10.99] CHG: now using original Windows tooltips (color font etc) [11.10.99] NEW: optical redesign to comply with current Windows fashion [19.09.99] FIX: scroll back did not appear in maximized window [18.09.99] FIX: scroll back now does not use one-character-click-autosend [10.09.99] CHG: color scroll back now also available in external window [01.01.99] CHG: automacos/autoreplies/user buttons now with different dialog [01.01.99] CHG: massive options redesign (many options moved to global opts) [07.08.99] CHG: vt220 swapped home/end keys to comply with defacto standard [29.07.99] FIX: sometimes empty page appeared after printing [10.07.99] NEW: Option for alternate vt220 f-key mapping [10.07.99] NEW: Linux emulation [10.07.99] NEW: ANSI SCO emulation [16.06.99] INT: added emulation sub options dialogs [16.06.99] INT: tooltips now are real Windows tooltips (Windows only) [16.06.99] FIX: vt220 now sends national keys correctly in NCR mode ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [13.06.99] WIN-REL: VERSION 3.13 [release] [13.06.99] OS2-REl: VERSION 3.13 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------