V2.2 14th April 2001 * Localisation made easier! We made BPFTP ready for foreign languages in the last version now its easier to switch between languages you have installed with the "language" menu. * Specify Port-Range: Our Force-IP feature in the last version was very well received, this adds to this feature allowing you to select port-ranges BPFTP uses. * Minor changes/enhancements and a couple of little bugs squashed. * New translations of BPFTP available at www.bpftp.com/local.html. Check them out! V2.1 4th April 2001 * Localisation! That's right BPFTP is now localisation ready and over the coming months non-English versions of BPFTP will be released to make it easy for those who speak other languages to utilise BPFTP in their day-to-day internet experience. Check out http://www.bpftp.com/local.html for the currently available localised versions. * Force IP: allowing you to set the IP address BPFTP will pass-on as yours when you connect to an FTP server. This will help anyone connecting to firewalled server's through routers/firewalls on a non-standard (21) port. * Many minor changes/enhancements and a couple of little bugs squashed. V2.0 4th January 2001 * Comes with MP3 miner as a free optional download! * BPFTP controllable by third party applications! Separate download available for easy integration with any Delphi application. * Brand new caching system that uses a flatfile database instead of using a separate file for each directory. * The usual bugfixes and many minor changes/enhancements. V1.26 14th November 2000 * CuteFTP 4 sitelists can be imported. * Bugfixes V1.25 19th October 2000 * All 4 panes can be toggled off/on (log window, local listing, remote listing, queue) * Dramatic speedup for large queues (up to 50+ times faster). * New firewall options. * A few minor fixes V1.21 17th May 2000 * Fixed a few problems with V1.20 V1.20 11th May 2000 * General speed improvements. * BPFTP can automatically queue mp3s in winamp. * Minor problems fixed. * Intelligent clipboard monitoring; BPFTP now understands a vast variety of formats such as host 123.234.345.456 user: ftp pass: ftp IP user/pass: test etc * Other minor things. V1.15 6th October 1999 * Due to the large number of people requesting it, icons are now color the whole time. * BPFTP uses Windows icons for files, instead of the plain one it used to use. * Change directory appears next to the current directory, and no longer in the listing. * Exporting/importing a sitelist now also exports/imports the sitename. * Problems with V1.14 were fixed. V1.14 29th August 1999 * New graphics! The interface has had a much needed overhaul and looks a lot better; make sure that Windows is set to use at least 256 colors for full effect. * If BPFTP is minimized to the tray and a connection is made, it'll blink to let you know. * You can now configure BPFTP to pop up a box on connect, containing the welcome message for the FTP site. * Partial downloads; You can select files to be partially downloaded then aborted automatically, for previewing music files for example. * Aborting a download works with more servers now. V1.13 29th June 1999 * New "fast" option for "cache entire structure", many times faster than the original way of doing things. (doesn't work with all servers though). * The bug where files were not always resumed has been resolved. * When using Main|new session, session files are named according to the site address, much less cryptic than date/time naming. * "Monitor directory" greatly improved, and now also works on Windows NT systems. * "Bring dialog to front" now works on Win98 systems. * Other minor changes. Previous version history removed.