FreeZip version 1.4.8 ©1997-1999 Dariusz Stanislawek, Australia email: virtual home #1: virtual home #2: virtual home #3: RIGHT-CLICK ON A ZIP FILE OR ANY FOLDER TO ACCESS FREEZIP HELP. FreeZip is a small, fast and efficient Zip utility for compression and decompression of files and directories in Windows 95/98/NT. FreeZip integrates with Windows Explorer and uses file associations and context menus to zip or unzip files, including long file names and subdirectories. If you know how to use Windows Explorer, then you do not have to learn anything new to use FreeZip. The setup is a single-click process and there are no options or settings involved. To UNZIP a zip file, simply doubleclick on it and it will be decompressed to the current or nominated folder. Do not unzip files on your desktop because this can make a real clutter. You can nominate a folder for all decompressed files and when a zip file located anywhere on your system is doubleclicked, it will be unzipped to the folder. To make FreeZip work this way, select "Pick UnZip folder" from the menu. After this selection is made, you can restore the default mode of operation by selecting "Reset UnZip folder", or you can temporarily unzip to the current folder by rightclicking the zip file and selecting "UnZip here". To ZIP a file, rightclick on the folder where the file is in and select "Zip" from the menu. This will also compress all other files (if any) in the folder as well as all subdirectories below. The zip file will be named "" and saved in the same directory. You will have to rename it, of course. You can rightclick a folder in either of Windows Explorer's panels, but "" created in the right panel will include every file and folder displayed in it. For example, if the right panel displays "Contents of C:\" and you select and zip a folder from the panel, it will in fact compress your entire hard disk. "" created in the left panel will include only the selected folder and everything below it. So if you are not sure about it, just use only the left panel. "" will not be created and will not overwrite a file with the same name if it exists already in the destination folder. There is no need to make group selections which is actually undesirable. You can stop file compression process at any time by pressing [Ctrl]+[c] or [Ctrl]+[Break] and the partial zip file will be deleted automatically. To VIEW the contents of a zip file, rightclick on it and select "ListZip" from the menu. To TEST the data integrity of a zip file, rightclick on it and select "TestZip" from the menu. If you require any of the following, ENCRYPTION, SELF-EXTRACTION, MULTIPLE VOLUMES ...find them on the home page. FreeZip installation will copy to your system latest versions of Info-ZIP's 32-bit de/compression utilities. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and Internet/WWW sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and Please REMOVE PREVIOUS VERSION before installing this one. FreeZip can be uninstalled from: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs Freeware Note FreeZip is freely available for use and distribution. You have my permission and need not email to include FreeZip on a CD-ROM, or any other media, provided it is sold at a minimal price to cover production and promotional costs only. DISCLAIMER "FreeZip" IS SUPPLIED AS IS. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF "FreeZip".