You must specify the name of a permanent host as a mail exchanger for this name. You cannot use an alias as a mail exchanger host name. IP address cannot be zero. You may not create a parent domain for an existing domain. For example, you may not create "" if you already have "" reading from zone information file was aborted a bad SOA record was encountered in the data file MacDNS requires the Thread Manager. MacDNS requires System 7.0 or newer this zone name is already in use the “MacDNS Preferences” file was created by an earlier version of the program This host name must contain the domain’s name. You must enter a domain name here. Not enough memory to hold all the entries from this file. Preferences must be numeric, like this "10 hostname." MX information should contain a (numeric) preference and a host name, like this "10 hostname." You may not create a sub-domain of an existing zone. For example, you may not create "" if you already have "" To share load between hosts, you must select several permanent hosts, and optionally a load-shared host. You have selected more than one load-sharing host. Only permanent entries may be members of load-sharing sets. The others will be ignored. Are you sure you want to remove the selected hosts? This alias is already entered into the database. You may not enter an empty string (with nothing between commas) here. This file cannot be opened because it was not created with this version of MacDNS. This TTL is less than the minimum value configured for this server. Couldn't open MacTCP. Be sure it’s in the Control Panels folder and configured properly. Warning: This server’s IP address is not the same as the previous time it started. Be sure that “Manual” addressing is selected in the MacTCP control panel . This zone name is already in use. This IP address is already entered into the current zone file. This DNS name is already entered into the the current zone file.