ActiveWare PerlScript

Welcome to the PerlScript Active Server Sample Library.

Hello World
Say Hello World!
different loops with different conditions.
Calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to 17.
Browser Properties
Detect and display some of your Browser's features.
How to send info to a browser?
Tell you how.
Server variables
The values of predetermined environment variables.
HTTP variables
The following is a list of HTTP Variables
PerlScript Variables
Shows you PerlScript's variables
Query String
How to get the URL parameters
Ad Rotator
Use of AdRotator Server Component
Showing the source code
This is the file that Shows the Server Side Source.
ADO Object
Converted VBScript Sample 1.
ADO Object
Converted VBScript Sample 2.
ADO Object
Converted VBScript Sample 5.
PerlScript & VBScipt
Example of how VB script can work with PerlScript.
PerlScript & VBScipt
Example of how VB Script can call PerlScript.