Welcome to BuzzCD

by Dane Scott Udenberg


This advocacy effort is done at very little profit, to help spread the word about BeOS and encourage as many people as possible to try and enjoy this marvelous operating system.

If you are willing to help, you can do so by using the images available on this web page as banner and display ads on your web sites, linking them to the following URL:


We sincerely appreciate your help and support!
leBuzz.com welcomes you to BuzzCD, a compilation containing the leBuzz web site, a collection of freeware/shareware/trialware we feel would be of particular interest to Buzzers (BeOS media enthusiasts), some programs from our "Audio Buzz" Internet radio show series, and of course, free copies of both the Windows and Linux installations of BeOS 5.0 Personal Edition, courtesy of Be, Incorporated. Also included, for your convenience, is a BuzzCD Guide, which will make its contents easy to access.

First, though, let me take a moment to welcome you, if you are new to BeOS, and to encourage you to take the time to really get into this operating system. It is rich, deep, and powerful, and there are a lot of programs you can run on it, some of which we have included on this CD.

After you have tried BeOS for awhile, I strongly encourage you to upgrade to the BeOS 5.0 Pro edition, which is available through Gobe Software. BeOS 5.0 Pro adds powerful additional capabilities to what you will experience here. By purchasing the upgrade, you are demonstrating your support for this alternative operating system and helping assure its success well into the future.


If you've ever downloaded a program off the Internet and installed it, you already know what to do, except in this case, you don't even have to download it! Just double-click on the "BeOS5-PersonalEdition.exe" file, located in the "BeOS 5 Personal Edition" folder. The installation will happen automatically, after which you'll be asked to reboot your Windows machine. The computer will come right back up into Windows, and you'll have an icon on your desktop which launches BeOS. Double-click on that to begin your exciting new adventure! Once in BeOS, all of the programs on this CD-ROM will be accessible for you to install and use, and you will also be able to access the leBuzz and Audio Buzz contents from within BeOS.


You may purchase additional single copies for $9.45 (including shipping). If you want to purchase larger quantities, you can get a $3.00 discount per disk for 10 or more ordered at one time. Send your check or money order to:

Dane Scott Productions
P.O. Box Box 222
Oconto, WI 54153


I hope you'll make a point of visiting me every day for the latest BeOS "Buzzer News" on leBuzz.com, and if you are a professional media person interested in incorporating BeOS into your studio environment, be sure to also make StudioLab a regular stop. StudioLab features articles by fellow Buzzers, as well as reviews of the latest and greatest hardware and software for use in a BeOS-based studio.

We'll see you on the web!

Dane Scott

BuzzCD is provided for your enjoyment and entertainment, without warranty, expressed or implied, for any of its contents, which is all supplied by third parties. To the very best of our knowledge, none of the contents of this CD will cause damage of any kind. However, understand that all of the contents of this disk are to be used at your own risk. If you use this disk, you automatically agree to take full responsibility for any potential damage it might have upon computer hardware, software, computer data, and any and all other damage which, unlikely as it may be, might happen as a result of its use. Dane Scott Productions, Dane Scott Udenberg, nor leBuzz.com shall be held harmless and unliable for any such damage or any other claimed damage or hardship, without recourse or remedy.

Should you assist others in the installation of any of this CD's contents on any computer other than your own, either directly or through loan of this CD, you agree by doing so to assume all liability for any subsequent damage that might be caused to their computer, software, and data, and that Dane Scott Productions, Dane Scott Udenberg, leBuzz.com bear no liability whatsoever.

This distribution of BeOS 5.0 Personal Edition is licensed by Be, Incorporated. The BuzzCD name and logo are copyright, 2000, Dane Scott Productions. You may use the logo graphic on your web site to link to http://www.lebuzz.com if you wish to help promote the spread of BeOS in that way.