BOSTON AREA DOOM TOURNAMENT NO. 1 The following rules and regulations are for a Doom Tournament being set up in the 617 area code. Anyone may enter, but if you do not live in the 617 area code you must pay the long distance charges. IMPORTANT STUFF The rules stated here are NOT placed in the interest of fairness. I am of the opinion that when you are hunting someone through the halls of hell with heavy weaponry fair play is a mute point. After playing a little deathmatch myself I found that these rules make the fight significantly more interesting. HOWEVER! Most of these rules are merely suggestions. Anything goes as long as BOTH combatants agree to it. If two people want to duke it out with BFG9000's while standing on toxic waste, that's fine. Chainsaws at twenty paces, fine. As long as BOTH combatants agree. If two combatants can not agree on how they want to battle, however, they MUST abide by the rules listed here. If dissension occurs between entrants as a result of this freedom of choice we will revert to the rules set here. WHINERS NEED NOT APPLY! As I mentioned earlier, fair play is a mute point. A truly great Doom player can overcome any adversities. No screaming foul when lady luck turns against you and you have to fight a shotgun-toting baddie with your fists (It's true that everyone is created equal, but luckily ID Software created chain guns to alleviate this problem.), and no complaining 'cause you turfed it and got fragged while you were sleeping at your keyboard and standing on toxic waste! (You should be more careful!) It's only a game, and its main purpose is to have fun. If you get fragged don't be a wuss about it. Either congratulate your opponent for being a badass (preferebly send this message attached to a bullet), kick their ass for being a thorn in your side, or shut up! It's a nasty game, and that's why we like it! RULES OF THE FIGHT The following rules are mandatory: 1. All matches are Deathmatch (duh). 2. Anyone who violates established rules (cheats, I think that's the word), by using restricted weapons, firing during a cease fire, etc., etc. is automatically expelled from the tournament, and may be barred from future tournaments. Anyone using software that allows you to cheat will be shot, literally. I mean it! I won't take kindly to it at all! I'll...I'll...well, you just don't want to know what I'll do! I know, I'll expell you from the tournament, FOREVER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3. If you win, you are the winner. If you lose, you are a...I mean THE, loser. The following rules are optional, and default rules: 1. Weapons: The rocket launcher, plasma gun, and BFG9000 are outlawed. Reason being that with these weapons it becomes a matter of who sees who first, and sometimes just becomes a duck shoot. These unreasonable weapons can end in a split second what would otherwise be an interesting, teeth-grinding fight. All other weapons are fine, including chainsaws and berserker packs. 2. The pause button is effectively considered to be a cease fire, but should not be used while even remotely engaged with your opponent. 3. Players may start on the episode of their choice, the default being Knee Deep. All matches are played with nomonsters. Since the first level on all the episodes are very linear and tend to start one player near all the goodies the first level will be played under a mutual cease fire. Grab as much stuff as you can or race to the exit, but no fragging! It's just too easy for the lucky player to end the fight before it begins. (Okay, this rule is in the interest of fair play. Sorry.) 4. All frags count. That is, if the computer says it's a frag, it's a frag. RULES FOR WINNING I don't have a set system for this yet, so I'll suggest two separate terms for winning and everyone can vote on their favorite. If anyone has a system that works better please let me know. Since I'm doing a lot of work here I get the final word on this matter. Version 1: Two frags on any one level constitute a win. I.E. If you get fragged twice without exiting to the next level, you lose. If the fight rages all the way to the final level of an episode the combatants will remain on that level until there is a winner. Ties are decided by sudden death (heh-heh). Version 2: Whoever gets 8 frags first, or ends an episode (not a level) with more frags, wins. This is my preferred version, as it mostly eliminates the possibility of one player getting lucky and allows players the chance to make a come-back. It's a truer test of you Doom skills. Its down-side is that the players must keep track of the frags from level-to-level. HOW DO I ENTER YOUR COOL TOURNAMENT? Contact me via Compuserve. My address is: Shade 73651,2312 or call me at: (617)-628-9947 (ask for Jay) HOW LONG DO I GOT? If there are a decent # of entrants by April 30th the tournament is on. WHAT DO I NEED? The registered version of Doom, version 1.2. If you don't have the registered version, get it today! If you have an earlier version there is a file in the Arcade/action library of the gamer's forum on compuserve provided by ID Software that allows you to update to 1.2. Go ahead, It's free! HOW WILL IT WORK? I will be the middle man. Opponents will be assigned to one another randomly on a collapsing tree branch structure, winners in the first round going on to the second, then the third, and so on. Empty slots will be given out randomly as a wild card. I will give everyone their opponents name and preferred means of being contacted. NO PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE GIVEN OUT WITHOUT PERMISSION! Once both parties are contacted they will have one week to stomp one another If one of the combatants can not make it within that week he forfeits and is permanently removed from the tournament (no wild cards for you!). If neither makes it both forfeit. Obviously the quicker your battle is resolved the better. Once a battle is resolved the winner and the loser must notify me so that I can update the branch and assign new opponents. A score of some sort would be appreciated (level and episode fragging occured, respective # of frags). IN THE ISSUE OF FAIRNESS A WIN WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED UNTIL I HEAR FROM BOTH THE WINNER AND THE LOSER. Remember, even if you lose, you could still make a wild card. The preferred method of contacting me is via Compuserve so that I can store all the files and more easily keep track of results. The final results including scores will somehow be sent to all the participants so they can see how well they did, and who to gun for in the next tournament. Yes, there will be a tournament #2 if this one is successful. WHAT DO I GET IF I WIN? What is this, a game show?!? YOU'RE A BADASS! What else do you need?!? Okay, you'll be deemed "Grandmaster Badass", and everyone will be gunning for you in the next tournament. Your name will be etched on a marble wall in the halls of the ass-kicking Gods, and if you live near enough, I'll by you a beer. How's that? WHAT DO I GET FOR SECOND PLACE? Second place sucks! FINALLY! I must thank ID Software for making truly one of the greatest games I've ever played! Anyone not in possession of the registered version of Doom should register today! Anyone illegally in possession of the registered version should get a life! Few people are more deserving of truckloads of money than ID! Please distribute this file freely to as many people you know! The more the merrier! If you know someone who isn't on Compuserve please tell them about the tournament! Spread the word so that this can be a success! I greatly appreciate it. Shade (a.k.a. Jay)