Cheat Codes iddqd God mode idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons) idspispopd No clipping (walk through walls) idbehold Menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice) idclev Warp (followed by episode number and level number) idmypos Display coordinates in hex idchoppers Chainsaw iddt Toggles Automap (use when viewing Automap) [normal, full, full with objects] Command Line -loadgame <# of the game> Loads game saved in Save Games screen -deathmatch Starts Doom as a DeathMatch game -skill <# of skill level> Sets the skill level you wish to play (1-4) -episode <# of episode> Sets the episode you wish to play (1-3) -config Allows you to load a configuration file stored in any directory -nomonsters Play Doom with no monsters -respawn Monsters respawn 8 seconds after you kill them! This information was taken from The "Official" Doom FAQ v5.5, by Hank Leukart.