------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM Modem Contact List - R7 April 8 - 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of this list is to act as a directory of DOOM Modem players to help DOOMers connect with each other. If you are seeking a fellow player (read victim!), simply locate someone close to you and send them E-Mail. If you would like to be added to the file, please see the details in the section called '** Getting On The List **' after the list of names. Complete phone numbers and last names are not included for the sake of privacy. Enjoy! =============================================================================== Legend: Here is a list of the abbreviations used to save space in the list. AC - Area Code AOL - America OnLine Address C - Cooperative Play CIS - Compuserve Mail Address CNT - Country D - Deathmatch Play E - Either Deathmatch or Cooperative IN - Internet mail address (Send mail to INTERNET:address) NNX - Phone exchange, the first 3 digits after your area code PP - Player's Preference (Deathmatch, Cooperative, or Either) PR - Province ST - State =============================================================================== USA =============================================================================== ST(AC) - NNX Name City PP E-Mail =============================================================================== AK(907) - 338 Jim S. Anchorage E CIS:71553,2376 AZ(602) - 731 Ircham D. Tempe E IN:ccpzs@acvax.inre.asu.edu CA(209) - 299 Randy S. Clovis E CIS:73060,436 CA(213) - 664 David M. Hollywood E CIS:72707,2063 IN:smart@usc.edu CA(310) - 374 Peter R. ? E CIS:72732,2765 - ? James G. Los Angeles E CIS:74134,1460 CA(408) - 295 Tom B. San Jose E IN:tomboyles@aol.com - 296 Eric C. Santa Clara D CIS:71333,3016 CA(619) - 438 Joe M. Carlsbad E IN:joemcyber.net, CIS:75300,3270 - 458 Shyam M. San Diego E IN:markus@sdcc13.ucsd.edu CA(714) - 525 Ian K. Fullerton E IN:ikoskel@ctp.org - 898 Richard B. Westminster E CIS:73544,104 CA(818) - 241 Dean G. Glendale E CIS:73633,1233 - 846 RJ P. Burbank E CIS:71220,220 CA(909) - ? Nathan A. Pomona/ColtonD IN:nathan.anderson@swcbbs.com CA(916) - 888 Bradley S. Auburn C CIS:75270,1174 CT(203) - ? Carl I. Westport ? CIS:71045,64 DC(202) - 483 Peter J. D. Washington D CIS:72764,2716 DE(302) - 731 Ted B. Newark E IN:tedboone@chopin.udel.edu FL(407) - 798 KAOS Wst Palm Bch D CIS:73662,1772 FL(813) - 294 Randy R. Winter Haven D CIS:71466,1405 - 546 Steven M. Pinellas Pk. E CIS:73042,3150 - 772 Don B. Cape Coral E CIS:76357,1130 - 962 Joseph R. A. Tampa E CIS:71524,2277 - 979 Jay K. Tampa E CIS:74064,1403 GA(404) - 984 Bill R. Atlanta E CIS:70232,2367 - 993 Cris W. Atlanta E CIS:75300,2704 IL(312) - 327 Steve T. Chicago E CIS:71154,1127 IL(708) - 677 Carter L. Skokie E CIS:71202,1241 - 747 John W. Park Forest E CIS:74011,3100 IN(317) - 882 Ron P. Indianapolis E CIS:74077,2657 MA(508) - 278 Don O. Uxbridge E CIS:72066,101 MA(617) - 489 Stuart M. Belmont E CIS:71730,560 - 628 James P. W. III Somerville E CIS:73651,2312 - 924 Scott G. Watertown D CIS:72311,613 MD(301) - 916 Robert N. Germantown E IN:rnurse@access.digex.net - 926 Mister Bungle Gaithersburg D IN:bungle@mglmmb2.nci.nih.gov MD(410) - 296 Eric Hietala Baltimore E IN:eric@clark.net - 313 Spanky Ellicott Cty E CIS:74352,3266 MI(313) - 781 Chris B. Shelby TwnshpE CIS:73061,2467 MI(517) - 371 DJM Lansing E, CIS:177000,674 IN:hxbv31a@prodigy.com MN(612) - 729 Greg R. Minneapolis E CIS:75470,1324 IN:boscosla@maroon.tc.umn.edu NC(919) - 361 Keith T. Raleigh E CIS:73322,332 - 528 Mark M. Durham E CIS:73374,2572 - 550 Mel W. Clayton E CIS:73444,472 NJ(201) - 242 Barry L. Newark E CIS:70334,2116 NV(702) - 324 Chris B. Reno E CIS:73043,2720 NY(516) - 541 Michael M. ? E IN:mikeybabe@aol NY(718) - 275 Carey G. NY E CIS:73062,237 - 836 Frank B. Brooklyn E IN:fbruno@dorsai.dorsai.org - 987 Ed M. Staten Isld. E CIS:73171,416 OH(216) - 426 George H. Youngstown E CIS:73502,1050 - 585 Jamie D. Willoughby H.E IN:jamiedyckes@delphi.com - 896 Bill D. ? D CIS:75300,1311 OH(614) - 457 Paul H. Columbus E CIS:75310,522 - 529 Ranjit A. Columbus E IN:ranjit@infinet.com - ? Golden G. R. III Columbus E IN:grichard@cis.ohio-state.edu OK(405) - 341 Richard B. Edmond E CIS:72724,3537, AOL:DOOMMate.AOL PA(412) - ? Jack Pittsburgh E IN:jkeyes@telerama.lm.com PA(717) - 696 Ian H. Trucksville E CIS:72102,3357 PA(814) - 922 Mike F. W. Springfld E CIS:72673,105 RI(401) - 863 Joshua L. Providence E IN:joshua_lehrer@brown.edu TX(214) - 316 Chris B. Dallas E CIS:71310,1602 - 660 Bob R. Dallas E CIS:72103,2335 TX(817) - 292 Jason B. ? E CIS:73133,2273 TX(512) - 219 John W. Austin E IN:withrow@bga.com TX(817) - 297 James S. Crowley E CIS:74261,1201 - 478 Travis H. Arlington E IN:travish@metronet.com - ? Jason B. Arlington E IN:ranger@cse.uta.edu VA(703) - 406 Ron O. Sterling E IN:rono@netcom.com - 435 Neil B. Herndon C CIS:72254,511 - 620 B. M. ? E IN:bmetz@ukelele.gcr.com - 914 Rick W. Alexandria E CIS:73441,3644 WA(206) - 483 Craig M. Seattle E IN:cmiller@carson.u.washington.edu - 885 Ethan W. Redmond E CIS:72713,3060 WI(414) - 241 Emmett D. Mequon E CIS:73133,2603 WI(608) - 256 Wirta W. Madison D CIS:71344,3337 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== CANADA =============================================================================== PR(AC) - NNX Name City PP E-Mail =============================================================================== ON(416) - 631 Jeff F. Toronto E CIS:73743,431 ON(613) - 729 James O. Ottawa D IN:jojaste@descartes.uwaterloo.ca ON(905) - 275 Robert R. Mississauga E IN:jeff.goebel@canrem.com - 428 Rob M. Ajax D CIS:72400,2217 - 873 Terry H. Georgetown E CIS:73631,3507 PQ(514) - 482 Joseph C. Montreal E CIS:76470,631 - 624 LOU Montreal D CIS:72762,1716 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== EUROPE =============================================================================== CNT(AC) Name City PP E-Mail =============================================================================== Germany(030) Marco G. Berlin E CIS:100120,501 Germany(0431) Alex S., CG Kiel D CIS:100144,1737 Germany(06122) Harro B. Wiesbaden E CIS:100116,3351 Germany(0621) Bernardo C. Mannheim E CIS:100137,2747 Germany(06232) Holger T. Speyer E CIS:100115,1704. Holland(055) Jerry L. Apeldoorn E CIS:100275,3245 Ireland(01) Ronan M. Dublin E IN:ronan@scamall9.iol.ie Scotland(031/662) Neil C. Edinburgh E CIS:100330,3136 UK(0272/732) John R. Bristol E CIS:73064,1405 UK(0582) Adam C. Luton, Beds E CIS:100013,3625 UK(0785) Rowland B. Stafford E CIS:100021,3324 UK(081) Rob O. Bromley E CIS:71231,1671 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== AUSTRALIA =============================================================================== ST(AC) - NNX Name City PP E-Mail =============================================================================== NSW(612/02) - 456 Lance L. Sydney E CIS:100033,1504 (2122) - 869 Stephen T. Sydney E IN:hsteinke@extro.ucc.su.oz.au =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ASIA =============================================================================== ST(AC) - NNX Name City PP E-Mail =============================================================================== Hong Kong(852) - 525 Dirk R. Hong Kong E CIS:100314,1702 - 804 Joe A. Hong Kong E CIS:100314,1145 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ** Getting On The List ** =============================================================================== If you would like to be added to the list, or have any questions, comments, or corrections, please send mail to my CIS Account: 73743,431. My preference is that you send the information via the E-Mail service, and not via a Forum message due to the sheer number of Forum messages that are generated each day. Please make the subject of your mail 'DMCL - Add me'. To be added to the list, please provide the following: 1) State/Province/Country (For North America, please use the state/province 2 character postal abbreviation.) 2) Area Code 3) NNX - This is the first 3 digits of your phone number, also known as your exchange. (Not required for European addresses) 4) Name 5) City 6) Game play preference (D=Deathmatch/C=Cooperative/E=Either) 7) E-Mail Address For the sake of convenience, please list all of the information on a single line separated by commas and spaces (No TABS!!). For example: Canada, ON, 416, 631, Jeff Forsyth, Toronto, E, 73743,431 If you wish to omit any data, please enter a ? in that field. Also note that 'handles' or 'nicknames' may be used instead of your name. The purpose of the name field is just so that people don't have to send messages to 'Hey You!!'. Keep those entries coming, I will update the list as I get enough new additions to warrant it. *** NOTE - Legal stuff!! *** Please note that all submissions to the list become the property of the author (Jeff Forsyth CIS:73743,431) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting your name, you grant permission for the use of your submission in any future publications of the DMCL in any media. The author reserves the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission completely. Entries may be removed from future publications of the list by sending E-MAIL to the author. (I know it sounds a little harsh, but in this day and age you can't be too careful!!) =============================================================================== ** Getting new versions of the DMCL ** =============================================================================== When a new version of the list is created it will always be uploaded to the GAMERS' Forum as well as the MODEM GAMES Forum on Compuserve. The library that is currently used for DOOM is Action/Arcade Games, but if you can't find it, just ask around or send me a note. The list is also available from the Internet news group alt.games.doom as well as these FTP file sites: wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS-UPLOADS/games/doomstuff The filename is modplay.txt ocf.unt.edu (All-Doom ftp site!!) Along with many many other places where DOOMers frequent. (Special thanks to Greg R. and Travis H. for getting the list out there!!) ** DMCL - Distribution ** Please feel free to distribute the list to anywhere the DOOMers may be. The only conditions are that the list remain unaltered and that all of the supporting text remains unchanged. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Release 7 Notes - April 8 - 1994 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ** DMCL - Version 7??? What happened to 6? *** No I haven't forgotten how to count to 10, I can still make it pretty far into the double digits before I get confused!! This IS the 7th version of the list, but if you didn't see version 6, don't worry. Version 6 is the version that will be published in the soon to be released DOOM book and it wasn't made widely available. The reason is that version 6 came out only 4 days after version 5, so it seemed a little to soon to go through the hassle of circulating a new one. In case there is actually anyone out there that reads these release notes, I have included the version 6 notes after these ones. *** DMCL - New for version 7 (and 6) *** As of version 6 of the list, last names have been replaced with last initials only. The reasons for this are two fold; 1) more privacy for the list members and 2) it gives me more room to play with if I need it. *** DMCL - The BIG 100!! *** Well it finally happened, from its humble beginnings of 4 names, the list has grown and finally broken the double digit barrier. Congrats to Bill R. from Atlanta for being the 100th member. Once the book comes out, and the latest FAQ, watch for the list to really take off, and speaking of the book: ************************ Gratuitous Advertising Mode ************************* * * * Look for what's sure to be a huge best seller: * * * * Killer DOOM: Tips & Tricks by Brady Publishing * * Author: Robert Waring * * Price : $9.95 * * * * A must have for DOOM novices and experts alike!! * * * ******************************** G.A. Mode Off ******************************* *** DMCL - Thanks for your support *** I had never realized how time consuming doing something like this could be (I have no idea where Hank L. get the time to do the FAQ!!). I would like to thank everyone that has sent in your comments and support because they mean a lot. When I am sorting through my latest pile of (E-)mail and it looks like it will never end, it is great to find some words of encouragement to keep me going. Cheers... Jeff Forsyth, CIS:73743,431 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Release 6(P) Notes - March 31 - 1994 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ** DMCL - As time goes by ** Wow, it seems like only yesterday that I was at my friends house downloading the first release of DOOM (0.99) from a local bulletin board. We were huddled there in front of his PC, anxiously awaiting the End of Download tone, dying to see if all the hype was true. And sure enough it was. On that day, along with hundreds of other PC gamers, we became witness to the new State of the Art in PC based games. Of course it only seems like yesterday. It was in fact over 3 1/2 months ago and nothing has been the same since. Today DOOM has undergone 2 major releases (three if you count the two versions of 1.1) since 0.99 and people around the world are now discovering the excitement of machine gunning their friends and lobbing rockets at their bosses and co-workers (via the game of course!!!). It also seems like I started up the DMCL just yesterday, but that too is now almost two months past. The list has continued to grow and evolve through 6 releases, and hopefully it will continue to do so in the future. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the list so far, be it their names or comments, and to those who have helped with the distribution beyond the confines of Compuserve. I have really enjoyed compiling the list and conversing with the many DOOMers out there, and I look forward to the list continuing to grow and evolve in the months to come. Cheers and many thanks... Jeff Forsyth, CIS:73743,431