UNDELETE ver. 1.00F ------------------- Copyright (c) Konstantin Saliy, 1996 HOW TO USE IT ------------- This is the first release of UNDELETE utility for Flash SSD disks. It must be run on Psion Series 3a only. UNDELETE is not undelete in general sense but file recover application - it will copy data from deleted files to another file. Anyway it can be useful while this the only (IMHO) tool to restore deleted data from your Flash SSD. To install it simply copy it into any \OPP\ directory on your Psion. The name Undelete will appear under RunOpl icon (if you have no RunOpl installed on your System screen, refer to User Manual how to install RunOpl). UNDELETE is easy to use: run it, select SSD drive and press Enter. You'll have a list of all deleted files on your SSD with their original size and date/time stamp. Select file you want to recover and press Enter. Then choose destination file for recovered data - that's all! If you want to recover more then one file you have to do it file by file - sorry! While you are in the deleted files list you can press Help button to receive instructions above. DISCLAIMER ---------- I take no responsibility for damage or data loss that occurs as result of using this program. NO WARRANTY AT ALL. Be careful, backup often and you will never need to run it. CREDITS ------- It would be nightmare to write this application without OPL Preprocessor by Andy Clarkson OPP ver. 1.2F because of Flash SSD structure. With his STRUCT definition I could think only about algorithms - not how to access SSD system data fields. Flash SSD data format was derived from Psionics files by Clieve D. W. Feather - I couldn't find it anywhere else. Thanks to Daniel Pfund who found a number of bugs in beta release. SUGGESTIONS AND BUG REPORTS --------------------------- E-mail all suggestions (Type II documentation is especially welcome) and bugs to . Please, include "Undelete" in your subject to let my mailer put it into appropriate folder. REGISTRATION AND FEE -------------------- This is NOT freeware. I want to offer it as shareware. It has no nag screens or any hidden features. You can test it and even use it without any limitation. But if you found it useful especially by recovering VERY important data please, try not forget the author. All in all if nobody will register it I will not know that anybody really need my programmer's efforts. All registered users will receive all upgrades (if any) of this application. About registration fee. I intend to set a registration fee to $15. If you found a cheaper tool or place (e.g. Psion customer support) to recover erased file but still want to use my application I will agree with a half of their price. If you think it costs more - I'll not bargain. Registering for me other products as a fee is welcome - just ask me what I want and name a maximum price you can pay. ALL ABOVE ARE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!. If you want to use it in commercial purpose you must receive written permission from me. You can transfer payment to my account in Russia by the following way: Intermediate Bank: The Bank of New York, NY USA SWIFT Address - IRVT US 3N ABA Code - 021000018 Beneficiary Bank: DialogBank, Moscow, Russia SWIFT Address - DLGB RU MM Account of DialogBank at The Bank of New York: 890-0054-808 Beneficiary: Konstantin Saliy, debit card #5896 5670 0401 4415 You can also send cheque or cache (10 UK pounds or 80 french francs, but not $$) to Philippe Lebreton - he will collect them for me: Philippe LEBRETON 5 rue Au Metre F-78290 Croissy Sur Seine France e-mail Please, make your cheque payable to Philippe Lebreton. CHANGES SINCE ver. 100B ---------------------- 1. Flash SSD Type II are supported now. Indeed previous version support them too :) 2. Minor bug fixed 3. Time and data stamp is restored too 4. It is more stable when user changes SSDs or opens doors while recover in progress.