WebCIS Installation Instructions WebCIS installation requires 69kb disk space, of which 53kb is the documentation files and 16kb the script files. WebCIS installation is different than standard applications, as the supplied files are scripts and not programmes. New users are recommended to print documentation topic *6.0 which contains a quick reference to the commonly used WebCIS, Lynx and SunSITE (UNIX) operating commands. This list should be kept handy for the first few online sessions until the user is familiar with the basic operating commands. To register, GO SWREG with an ID of 9251 To install WebCIS, please follow these procedures... 1) Copy all .SCO and .DBF files into the \APP\READCIS\ directory where ReadCIS is currently installed. 2) Start ReadCIS. 3) Press to Read Documentation. 4) Select the file _Webcis_ and press . 5) The documentation is stored in Psion Data format. The first screen explains how to navigate, or convert it to a text file for reading with your PC word processor or a Psion text viewer, it is too large to open with Psion Word. Please read topics *3.0 through *3.5.2 for instructions on how to use WebCIS. After you are familiar with WebCIS you may wish to delete some records and compress the file, or remove it altogether. However, please retain a copy of the complete data file for reference. 6) After reading documentation, press to Configure Names. The Connect Settings | Network (topic *2.1.1 through *2.1.3) and Online Settings | Auxillary Names (topic *2.2.1) need to be configured. 7) Press , create a switch with a name of "webcis" and press . 8) WebCIS is now installed and will be activated the next time you connect to CompuServe. WebCIS will run after ReadCIS has completed it's online tasks.