OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\CALC3A02.OPL SELECT FRMRET +4 equation(s) in file. Press MENU to access the menu.K EQN$# EINFO MENU4% FIND% \OPD\CALC3A.EQNO \OPD\CALC3A.EQN Enter Delete Update Evaluate Solve H@`[F Delete equationO Equation not found H@`[H H@`\[$ EQN$# H@`\[$ EQN$# H@`\[# EQN$# LOx@`[ VARTAB$ VARVAL ISVAR% FIRST% PUTIN$ SOLVE MARGIN ITER& FRMRET OZ4\`[ OZ4\`\[3 Variables and result + Variables Result= View previous( EvaluateO + View next( Result=) View previous( SolveO + View next( Solve Unknown variable to solve + Tolerance) Maximum number of iterationsO Initial quess 1) Initial quess 2) Start solverO Solve error 6 Evaluation error VARTAB$ VARVAL SECANT Solving... FOUND% ERRNO% VALUE IQUESS PUTIN$ EVALE TSTROOT% Solve error PUTIN$ EVALE ERRNO% FOUND% Evaluation error W LOC2% (1)KW VARTAB$ Add equation to database Edit equation DES$# EQN$# Constraints:( +"* Variable names MUST be lowercaseO +)* Function names and PI MUST be uppercaseO +(* A maximum of 12 variables per equationO +8* Maximum length for names of variables is 10 charactersO +1* Digits in names of variables is not allowed for( Description Equation DES$' EQN$' Unable to add equationO DES$' EQN$' Unable to update equationO DES$# DES$# DES$# Equation+ EvaluateOv Equation+ SolveOs Equation+ PlotOp Edit+ UpdateOu+ DeleteOd+ EnterOe Search+ FindOf+ Find againOg Special+ Exit evaluatorOx Special+ Exit solverOx Special+ Exit plot settingsOx Find: Searching... DES$# FRMSOLV: FRMEVALZ SELPLOTz EINFO SELECT FIRST% SOLVE- SECANT TSTROOT%r IQUESS EVALE LOC2% PUTIN$b ISVAR% DUP%F MENU4%7 FIND%g