ER3 relative dielectric constant of the ambient medium ER4 relative dielectric constant of the ground ET loop current induced by a theta polarized wave ETB intrinic impedance of ambient medium ,"TPS scattered electric field in the phi direction due to a theta polarized wave ETT theta polarized far-zone field of the dipole mode ETTS scattered electric field on the theta direction due to theta polarized wave ZX near-zone electric field in x direction EY near-zone electric field in the y direction EZ near-zone electric field in z direction EO 8.859E-12 FHZ frequency in hertz PMC frequency in megahertz GAM intrinic progration constant of the ambient medium GG time-average power input GPP power gain associated with the phi polarized component GTT power gain associated with the theta polarrzed component HGT height of the structure above ground plane IA first node of a given segment IB second node of a given segment fBISC indicator for bistatic scatter calculations ICARD indicator for the data cards ICJ dimension corresponding to the number of simultaneous linear equations IFLBG indicator for program termination IGAIN indicator for antenna gain calculations IGRD indicator for presence of the ground plane INC indicator for the type of far-zone calculations INEAR indicator for near-zone calculations INM dimension corresponding to the number of monpoles INT number of integration steps