THE "THIN WIRE" PROGRAM for Moment Method Antenna Analysis R. P. Haviland Daytona Beach Abstract Describes the capability and limitations of the antenna analysis program developed by Richmond of Ohio State for NASA. Shows the basic assumptions of the program, and its structure. Describes a supplementary program to prepare data input. Includes a sample problem, with problem parameters, data input and results output. Recommends the program as a check for other analysis programs, and for problems not allowed by the common MiniNEC, specifically, effect of insulation on wires, scatter patterns and echoing area. FORWARD In the early 1970's, J.H.Richmond of Ohio State University completed an antenna analysis program under a NASA contract. While this work influenced later activity in the field, the program itself has been largely neglected. The purpose of this paper is to invite attention to some of the useful concepts in the program and the theory behind it, and to show some of the type of results it produces. BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE THINİWIRE PROGRAM The heart of the program is the "reaction concept" of V.H. Rumsey (1). This is based on the idea that any real-world measurement of the electromagnetic field must include introduction of a probe into the field. What is measured is not the field, but rather the reaction of the field on the probe. The alternate term for reaction is coupling: the author finds this easier to visualize. For the Thin Wire program (2,3), the field is assumed to be that produced by current on the surface of a wire of constant diameter and stated conductivity. Errors are present if the wire diameter is large, with appreciable circumferential current. The observation point is assumed to lie on the axis of the wire for the self reaction, or on the axis of an adjacent wire for mutual reaction. Diameters and lengths may be independent for the two wires, but errors will be introduced if segment lengths are greatly different. To simplify computation, the currents are assumed to be sinusoidal in form. The specific relation used is of the form: P1*(sinh(G*(Z-Z1))/sinh(G*D1)+P2*(sinh(G*(Z3-Z))/sinh(G*D2) where Z is position along the wire from segment end Z1 to End Z3, and P1,P2 are switches which cause the second term to be zero for Z1