This AS-EASY-AS diskette contains the following files: AS-EASY-AS program files (required to run program) 1) ASEASY .COM Main Spreadsheet Program 2) SPREAD .000 AS-EASY-AS Overlay Program 3) SPREAD .MSG Logon message file, DO NOT alter this file 4) SPREAD .HLP AS-EASY-AS help file DEMONSTRATION WORKSHEETS 5) WEYMOUTH.WKS A demonstration template , fluid flow calculation 6) OVERVIEW.WKS A macro, which shows some features of AS-EASY-AS 7) GRAPH .WKS A macro which plots a graph 8) MENUS .WKS The menu structure of AS-EASY-AS 9) MUSIC .WKS Play a Tune with a macro 10) MONEY .WKS A simple financial example 11) PATTERN .WKS Select some unique graphic patterns. 12) DEMO .WKS Demo file with macros, graphs and many more START-UP INSTRUCTIONS 13) READ .ME Instructions to start AS-EASY-AS SIMPLE UTILITIES 14) COLOR .COM Switch to the color monitor (two monitor system) 15) MONO .COM Switch to the monochrome monitor (two monitor system) 15) CONTENTS. This file