------------------------------------------------------------------ PROPAGATION FORECAST BULLETIN GRAPHIC PLOT UTILITY Version 2.5 Installation Information Copyright (c) 1993, Scott A. Craig - All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------ This program is supplied as a ZIP file that must be "Unzipped" with PKZIP(tm). PKZIP and PKUNZIP are available on most bulletin boards if you don't already have a copy. The ZIP file should be copied from the distribution diskette onto your hard disk. Use the command "PKUNZIP SOL25-1" to extract the program files. If you plan to extract the files into a directory that already contains files, the following files will be created: o GRAPH.EXE ..... The main program file o GRAPH.DAT ..... The data file that contains historical data o GRAPH.HLP ..... The program HELP file o GRHLP.EXE ..... An "Offline" Help Program (see below) o GRAPH.CFG ..... Configuration file created by GRAPH.EXE o README. ....... This documentation file Before you Unzip SOL25-1.ZIP you should insure that the disk directory does not already contain files with these names or they may get overwritten or the GRAPH program may not run properly. After SOL25-1.ZIP is Unzipped, the "ZIP" file may be deleted to save space on your hard disk. Please retain a copy of SOL25-1.ZIP and pass it on to others instead of the individual files. It makes it easier, especially on BBS's, to have a single file instead of a group of files. The program file GRHELP.EXE is the same HELP utility that is found within the main program. It displays the program help file on the screen so that you may insure that your hardware is compatible before you run the program. It also contains copyright information and usage agreements that you should be aware of before you run the program. Please run it before you run the main program. By the way, the "-1" in SOL25-1.ZIP is used to denote updates to the data file. As historical data is added to GRAPH.DAT, it may be uploaded again with an incremented number. The "25" denotes the version number of the software. The latest release is version 2.5, hence the "25". The data file now contains historical data from 1989 through 1993. From January 1, 1989 through April 17, 1991 it shows only the 10.7cm solar flux values, and no sunspot information. It was compiled by Syd Horne (VE3EGO), and we owe him a vote of thanks for his hard work! I hope you enjoy this software, and are able to get some use out of it. If you have problems, or just want to send comments, I would love to hear them. My address is: Scott Craig - WA4TTK PacketMail Addresses 409 Jessie Drive WA4TTK @ AA4DO.TN.USA.NOAM Nashville, TN 37211 WA4TTK @ KC4PRD.TN.USA.NOAM 73's .... Scott