It is sometimes necessary to reduce wind drag of an antenna. Within limits, this can be done by making the cross-section of the elements more oval rather than circular. If the wind load is always from the same direction, the cross-section can conform to that of the struts used on aircraft. The file STRUT.GIF gives offsets for the No. 1 Navy strut, once widely used for low aircraft speeds. If the wind is multi-directional, a reasonable reduction can be secured by using this section from 0 to 50%, then a mirror image of this for 50-100 percent stations. A problem with struts supported at one end, whether circular or streamlined, is a tendancy to vibrate in the wind. A few pieces of rubber sheeting about 1/16 by 3/4 by 6 inches can be fastened to the end of the strut to absorb the vibrational energy.