bestant\ Relative performance of amateur antenna types | based on analysis of log data. Published in | Ham Radio Horizons, V4 N6, June 1980 crossant\ Studies of the 4 arm cross, producing circular | polarization without phasing networks. | Presented at EastCon 91, Orlando dummyant\ Design data for several types of QRM preventing | dummy antennas. Published in Communications | Quarterly, V4 N3, Summer 1994 higyagi\ Design data for Yagi antennas using curved 3/2 | wavelength elements. Published in ham radio, | V19 N4, April 1986 inslants\ Graphical evaluation of effect of an insulation | layer on an antenna element. Published in | Communication Quarterly, V3 N2, Winter 1993 instrums\ Review of instruments for antenna performance | measurements. Published in four parts in | Communication Quarterly, starting in | Communications Quarterly, V5 N2, Spring 1995 interact\ Use of NEC and Mininec to model effect of | mounting structers on antenna performance. | Published in Communications Quarterly, V1 N4, | Fall 1991 longwire\ Methods of making long-wire antennas uni- | directional, with performance data. Published | in Communications Quarterly, V3 N4, Fall 1993 match\ Notes on the conjugate match controversy. mulparas\ Use of single and multiple parasitic elements for | vertical antenna pattern shaping. Published in | Communications Quarterly, V2 N2, Spring, 1992 pipemast\ Design of self-supporting masts using standard | pipe sections. Published in ham radio, V22 N7, | July 1989 strmline\ Notes on reducing wind drag of antenna elements supergan\ Possibilities and problems of obtaining more than | normal gain from antennas, tehnically | super-directivity. Published in Communications | Quarterly, V3 N3, Summer 1992 trapant\ Design of multi-band trap antennas using coax or | LC elements as isolators. Published in ham | radio, V17 N10, Oct . 1984. tuneup\ Aids to QRM reducing off-the-air transmitter | tune-up. Published in ham radio, V9 N3, March | 1976