

Acorn PD Software ....


[O]  :   !Pup v0.19 :     a PGP front end for file encryption. :  [O]  
Copyright © A J Snell 1998  
"I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?"

This program provides a Wimp front end to PGP 2.6.3i as ported to RiscOS by Gareth McCaughan, and as such requires that you already have a copy of PGP, and are familiar with its use. !PGP is currently available on Hensa (a304), or in the mirror on Demon. This program sets out to provide a very specific use for PGP - a fast, easy to use drag-and-drop system for encrypting files on disc, with as little typing as possible. It accepts any type of input file, and outputs a PGP encrypted file (filetyped &022 to tie in with !PGPfront). The PGP filetype can be altered as desired by use of the default editing facility, but the !Sprites file will have to be modified to provide an appropriate file icon. The progam also datestamps PGP files '01 Jan 1900' if required so that it is not obvious which files were saved when.

When !Pup (Pretty Useful Privacy?) is run, a small window is opened. If you drop the file to be encrypted onto the window, the arrow icon points downwards from the Acorn icon towards the PGP filetype icon. Drag the PGP icon to a filer window and drop it - !PGP then swings into action. Similarly, if you drop an encrypted file onto the window, the arrow points up towards the Acorn icon, and you can drag this icon to a filer window... In each case the program will provide a very simple, incrementing filename in the appropriate place in the window. If you want to change this, type your new name in the small central icon to the left of the arrow and then click on the arrow to transfer the information. This will all be much clearer when you try it, honest. The decrypted file will have its original filetype restored.

PGP will usually ask for a pass phrase before encrypting or decrypting files. !Pup saves you repeatedly typing this pass phrase, at the expense of slightly reduced security. Type your pass phrase into the left hand central icon. Nothing will actually appear on the screen as you type. To check that all is well, you can click on the button in the centre, after which your pass phrase will become visible for about a second (!), enabling you to check your typing. By default, the phrase must be at least 12 characters long or !Pup will complain - don't forget it or you will not be able to decrypt your files at a later date. In addition, you can set time-out options for the pass phrase from the 'Security' window (accessed via the menu).

This pragram has a rather casual attitude towards errors - once the basic information has been passed on to PGP, !Pup just washes its hands of the whole thing. If anything goes wrong once PGP is in control, then all manner of error messages can result. Again, see the full PGP documentation for more information on what is likely to happen.

Use the program at your own risk - exhaustive testing has not been carried out and some bugs are no doubt present - backup anything you wouldn't want to lose. It is known to work on both a StrongArm RiscPC and an A410 without major problems, although is rather slow on the latter. Any e-mailed bug reports are welcome, as are suggestions for improvements and better programming technique. The most recent version will be at :

This program is public domain, and no warranty, express or implied, is given of the suitabilty of this software for any purpose whatsoever. Under no circumstances will liability for any damage or indirect or consequential loss arising out of use of the software be accepted etc.

The MenuUtils module was written by Alex Petrov. (
Comments and suggestions from Nat Queen were appreciated.

Tony Snell
June 1998

Brief History

v0.10ß - development version
v0.13ß - put on web site, Sep 1997
v0.14ß - datestamps PGP files '01 Jan 1900'
v0.15ß - added 'default' file
v0.16ß - improved file handling
v0.17ß - now encrypts any file type
v0.18ß - extra pass phrase security added
v0.19ß - bugfix, datestamp now works again...


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Last modified: 30th June 1998