

Acorn PD Software ....


[O]  :   !Midi>txt v0.12ß :     a utilty to convert MIDI files to textual form. :  [O]  
Copyright © A J Snell 1997

This program probably is not of great interest to many people, but if you do happen to want to know what goes on inside a MIDI file, then this little utility will be just the job.....

To use, just drop a MIDI file (type &FD4) that you wish to decipher onto the main window or onto the icon on the icon bar. When the file has loaded, click on the 'Convert' button to start the analysis of the data. Textual information present in the file will flash up in the window to reassure you that things are happening, together with some other basic information that MIDI files should contain. When the process is complete, the text version of the file can be saved via an appropriate menu item as usual. Be warned, some fairly large text files can result from this process! (and the program thus claims a fairly large wimpslot).

If you understand a bit about MIDI then the information presented should be fairly clear. The events and parameters are tab separated so the file can be loaded into a wordprocessor or spreadsheet for further formatting. The values in square bracket show the delta-time values for the events. More extensive information can be found at the MIDI home site :

Caveat : my interpretation of the Midi file format may not be 100% accurate, and some files using the more obscure aspects of the format may cause the program to fall over - it has not been possible to find files that use all possible variations for testing. Use the program at your own risk - extensive testing has not been carried out and many bugs are no doubt present, although it shouldn't do much harm :-) It is known to work on both a StrongArm RiscPC and an A410 without major problems, although is rather slow on the latter. Any e-mailed bug reports are welcome, as are suggestions for improvements and better programming technique - the most recent version will be at

This program is public domain, and no warranty, express or implied, is given of the suitabilty of this software for any purpose whatsoever. Under no circumstances will liability for any damage or indirect or consequential loss arising out of use of the software be accepted etc.

The MenuUtils module was written by Alex Petrov. (

Tony Snell
September 1997

Brief History

v0.10ß - development version
v0.12ß - put on web site, Sep 1997


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Last modified: 26th May 1998