The directory Site contains part of my web site, devoted to photographs of the River Ribble, along with the countryside, villages and towns through which it flows. There are over 70 pictures, each with captions. The pages were put together as a resource for teaching the Rivers them at Key Stage 2 - but they may have wider appeal. Further deatls are given on the Index page.

These pages have been written on Acorn computers (originally an A3000, and later a RiscPC) using Edit and OvationPro. The photographs have been imported from Kodak PhotoCD and have been converted to JPEGs using Spacetech's Photodesk, ChangeFSI and Jochen Lueg's FSI_Batch. Files have been validated, and link-checked using John Alldred's Validator and LinkCheck. The map was produced using Acorn's Draw and Paint along with Photodesk and converted to GIF format using J Kortink's Creator.

Graham Dean, August 1998.