The River Ribble

from source to sea

Part 4 - near Selside


Cam Beck

This is Cam Beck, shortly before its confluence with Gayle Beck - there may be room for debate about the source of the Ribble, but below the confluence of these two streams, the river is named the Ribble on all maps.

Note the rounded hills - these are drumlins - mounds of material (boulder clay) left behind by glaciers during the last ice age.

The main land use in this area - sheep farming, can be observed from the grazing animals.

The meandering stream shows clearly that material is deposited on the inside of the curve, whilst the bank is eroded on the outside of the meander.


near Low Birkwith

A typical view of the upper dales, with field barn and limestone walls marking field boundaries. Another land use is illustrated in this photograph. Grass is not only used for grazing sheep, but is also grown as a crop to be harvested, for either making hay, or more frequently nowadays, silage.

Nothing to do with the content of the picture - but I'm rather proud of this shot - it is the first (and so far only) photograph I've had accepted at an Open Exhibition (Southport 1997).


The River Ribble

The River Ribble near Selside, bounded by a narrow ribbon of woodland on either bank. This is just below the confluence of Gayle Beck and Cam Beck.



The hamlet of Selside in the first settlement in the valley, which is more than an isolated farm. This area was first settled by Norse invaders, about 1,000 years ago.

© Graham Dean 1997.

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