The River Ribble

from source to sea

Part 13 - Ribchester and Samlesbury

[photograph of Ribchester Bridge]

Ribchester Bridge

Although named Ribchester Bridge, this three-arched bridge is almost a mile from the village of Ribchester.

Since the photograph in part 12 the Ribble has been swollen by the waters of two major tributaries: the Hodder which rises in Bowland, a rural area; and the Calder, which brings the first poor quality water into the Ribble, having flowed though industrial Burnley.

[photograph of White Bull, Ribchester]

White Bull, Ribchester

Although the datestone on the inn reads, "1707," the stone columns at either side of the doorway are believed to be much older! They are thought to be relics from the days when the village was a Roman settlement. Ribchester was the site of the Roman fort of Bremetennacum, and lay on a supply route from Manchester to Hadrian's Wall. There is a Roman Museum in the village, and excavations of a Roman bathhouse.

[photograph of St Wilfred's Church]

St Wilfred's Church

This dates from the 13th century. On the outskirts of the village there is also a chapel dating back even further, to the 12th century.

Ribchester reached the peak of its prosperity in the 18th and 19th centuries, at the height of Lancashire's handloom weaving industry. Handloom weaving was probably carried out until the mid 19th century, when handloom weavers could no longer compete with the power looms of the two factories in the village, and also those in nearby towns of Blackburn and Preston. The village is now a mainly a dormitory settlement, though there is some light engineering, along with some tourist facilities.

From Ribchester the river meanders through rural areas, away from any major settlements.

[photograph of M6 junction 31]

M6 junction 31

At the edge of the rural district of Samlesbury the river flows under the M6 at junction 31. This was the first length of motorway opened in Britain, in 1958. At the time of the photograph (1996), it was being widened to 4 lanes in each direction.

[photograph of the outskirts of Preston]

The outskirts of Preston

This is the view downstream, just a hundred yards away from the previous picture. It is taken from Brockholes Bridge. The present bridge dates from 1861, and is a replacement for one which was washed away by floods in 1840. Ha'penny Bridge is its local name, as the toll to cross used to be a halfpenny. From here the river meanders in a loop to the south of Preston.

Note the deposition, more visible than normal during a very dry summer.

© Graham Dean 1998.

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