iSV Products Upgrade Corner

DrawWorks 2 V 2.33

Upgrade archive to upgrade DrawWorks 2 V 2.30, 2.31 or 2.32 to the new version 2.33. This upgrade fixes the following problems that users have reported with DrawWorks2:
  • Vanishing objects on SA (and other) machines.
  • Text tool no longer selected as default.
  • Filter tool now handles type 12 text objects correctly.
  • Precission tool now handles decimal points correctly.
  • Download DrawWorks upgrade (34K)

    DrawWorks Designer V1.13

    Upgrade archive to upgrade DrawWorks Designer to version 1.13. This upgrade fixes the following problems that users have reported:
  • Floating toolbar no longer jumps in front of menus.
  • Autoload Draw only loads 1 copy of Draw.
  • Prefs grid lock button now works correctly.
  • Prefs print borders button now works correctly.
  • Strange errors when clicking CANCEL on DWD prefs fixed.
  • Curve moulder window - cursor keys work correctly.
  • Filter system handles type 12 font objects correctly.
  • Removing kerning from text with no kerning no longer causes text to vanish.
  • Ptr_menu strings added to toolbar buttons on all three user levels.
  • Ptr_menu sprites added to !sprites and !sprites22 files.
  • No longer get black line at bottom of anti-aliased sprites/Giffs.
  • Font used menu from draw info now doesn't crash at odd times.
  • Shared tools save box altered so text doesn't overlap using outline fonts.
  • iKick application changed because logo got left on screen using nested wimp (3.96).
  • Please not that not all users of DWD have suffered from these problems.
    Download DrawWorks Designer upgrade (124K)

    Mr Clippy V1.50

    Upgrade archive to upgrade Mr Clippy to version 1.50. This upgrade fixes the following problems that users have reported:
  • Inability to handle some ArtWorks files on version 1.42.
  • Page back on the print preview window jumping to the wrong page.
  • Parts of the pinboard around windows re-drawing.
  • Additionally this upgrade adds the following new features:
  • Ability to drag files out from the print preview window.
  • Very large (20Mb+) JPEG files can now be handled.
  • Directory path added to new group window.
  • Simple alphabetical sorting of groups when quit and re-loaded.
  • Shows the name of the disk a clip lives on.
  • Download Mr Clippy upgrade (337K)

    ClipNET V1.41s

    Upgrade archive to upgrade DrawWorks ClipNET to version 1.41s. This upgrade fixes the following problems that users have reported:
  • Mr Clippy and ClipNET icons not appearing when run from Omni Client.
  • Download ClipNET upgrade (32K)

    Dr Fonty V1.13

    Upgrade archive to upgrade Dr Fonty from version 1.12 to version 1.13. Note that if your copy of Dr Fonty is older then 1.12 you will need to return the master disk to us with a stamped addressed envelope. This upgrade will only update version 1.12. This upgrade fixes the following problems that users have reported:
  • Scaffolds vanishing when a font is saved.
  • Characters moving when OLE'd back from !Draw.
  • Download Dr Fonty upgrade (110K)

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    iSV Products 86 Turnberry, Home Farm, Bracknell, Berks, RG12 8ZH.
    TEL 01344 455769 email -
    All quoted prices are for single user versions and exclude carriage