32-bit Acorn Gaming
Artex Software

Demo now available!

Artex Software are the company responsible for the excellent space strategy game Exodus, and as well as their Command and Conquer-type game TEK they are also working on a brand new graphical adventure game, Ankh.

Artex have just released an initial demo of the game, which you can download from 32-bit Acorn Gaming - at the time of writing this is the only place on the internet where this demo is available! I should warn you that the demo is not far off 2Mb in size, but it should take less than 15 minutes to download over a 33.6K modem (it took about 12 minutes for me to upload it using such a modem). If this link does seem a bit slow then you could also try a mirror of the demo at http://www.compsoc.net/~dgs/Ankh.zip, should this happen to be faster for you.

[Ankh logo]

Set in Cairo in the year 500BC, you must try and gain an audience with the Pharaoh at his palace in order to prove your worth to your father. Played in a similar manner to Simon the Sorcerer, you must point and click your way through 30 screens of lovingly-created graphics, all drawn by professional graphics artists. The game also comes complete with a high-quality CD soundtrack (by "Infracom"), but no speech is used for the game. Artex have promised that the puzzles will be involved but not illogical.

The game has a full-time team working on it, just like TEK. The game engine code is complete, and the final release graphics are now being completed. Two sample screenshots from the game are shown on this page.

The release date has been revised to April. (Originally it was March)

[Screenshot from Ankh]

[Another screenshot from Ankh]

Artex can be contacted via email at ArtexSoft@gmx.net.

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©Gareth Moore
Last updated 23/3/98