32-bit Acorn Gaming
[Acorn World]
Clan Members Only

There was a Clan Members-only area at Acorn World again this year, with plenty of room reserved upstairs for those who'd remembered to bring their membership card.

[Private - Clan Members]

There was a security guard checking everyone's card, but if you said you wanted to join you could get in anyway. Hmm.

The Clan area was at the top of some stairs:

[Top of stairs] [Clan Members only]

Being a Clan member brought two main advantages. The first was the ability to get free tea and coffee, which I thought was pretty good, actually, since food and drink are always horrendously expensive at places like Wembley. These were available from the Clan-only Caernarvon cafe:

[Clan food and drink]

The second was the provision of a free CD of Acorn beta-test software, with toys such as Java on - see the Acorn Stand report for more details. If you weren't a Clan member you had the option of copying the image onto 32 (yes, thirty two!) floppy discs instead - but you had to provide the floppy discs. It's just about cheaper to join the Clan than buy the floppy discs, so anyone who opted for the one-hour-or-so floppy disc option was quite mad, in my opinion!

[Beta-test duplication]
Beta-test floppy-disc copying area

[Floppy disc copying sign]
Translation: Join the Clan if you want this stuff

There were also a few Risc PCs hanging around in the Clan area, so you could play Exodus and test out the effect of coffee on the keyboard:

[Clan area Risc PC]

[Acorn Stand] [TBA] [Werewolf] [4D]
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Text and Pictures are all Copyright ©Gareth Moore 1997
Last updated 31/12/97