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Cover Discs Directory

The previous years cover discs (from November 1997 to November 1998 inclusive) have been copied directly to the CD. Everything is provided 'as is' and some of the programs may have been superceded by later versions, which themselves could be elsewhere on the CD.

In ACORNUSER/1997/NOV1997:

In ACORNUSER/1997/DEC1997:


In ACORNUSER/1998/JAN1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/FEB1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/MAR1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/APR1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/MAY1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/JUN1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/JUL1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/AUG1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/SEP1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/OCT1998:

In ACORNUSER/1998/NOV1998:

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© Acorn User/Stephen Scott 1998