32-bit Acorn Gaming

A brand new game, almost ready for release, is new software company Artex Software's detailed simulation Exodus, featuring the conquest and colonisation of an entire galazy whilst playing against fourteen intelligent opponents from four different races.

[Shot from introduction]
A screenshot from the animated introduction

You must conquer planets, build them up and then defend them against other lords, trading and forming war alliances. You must build a fleet of ships and then defend it from space pirates, aided by computer-controlled command-level officers. Your people must be looked after (to prevent revolutions!) and technology must progress to keep up the standard of living of your people and maintain the security of your empire. You can even send out secret service agents to sabotage your enemies with various cunning tricks, but you must also look out for spies within your own ranks.

[Screenshot 2]

The ultimate aim of the game is to fulfil a particular mission in order to satisfy the Space Guild and become the Guild Master - the acknowledged leader of the entire galaxy.

[Screenshot 3]

When you begin the game you must choose an objective - you either commit yourself to earning a certain amount of money each month, or you can play to build a great civilisation, or even set as your target complete dominion over all the galaxy! Varying difficulty levels are available for less able Galactic Overlords...

[Screenshot 4]

Up to five people can play the game at once, with each taking it in turn to have control, the other players being controlled automatically by the computer during the time they are not at the helm.

[Screenshot 5]

Claimed features include interactive music, a highly complex and involved game world, and multiple aims allowing completely different games, as well as randomisation to ensure you never play the same game twice. Combat simulation is detailed, with varying levels of firepower, lines of communication and so on. You can bomb planets, nuke them, set up defensive shields, set laws, equip ships, take advantage of the differing characteristics of each planet, set up your personal staff, and even construct artificial planets and move them from star system to star system!

[Screenshot 6]

Exodus certainly looks like it will pick up the home Acorn games market by the scruff of the neck and give it a good shake. If half of the claims made about this game turn out to be true then it will be a sizable and significant step in the right direction for the currently beleaguered market. It is due for release some time in the next few weeks.

[Screenshot 7]

Artex can be contacted via email at Davis@insect.demon.co.uk.

[Screenshot 8]

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Gareth Moore
Last updated 29/6/97